Hard Lessons with first RV

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New member
Jan 22, 2013
I pulled the trigger on a really nice 94 Bounder fir $5500 a few weeks ago! The excitement was flowing through our blood and we decided to hit a local county park immediately. The morning started off with the generator going out. We had the starter replaced, only to have the generator go out the next day. No big deal, we had shore power at the park. Within a few hours, water backed up in the tub. I called a buddy, and he directed me to pull a knob near some tanks...as he laughed hysterically, I had poop flying out at me. Went to shower, came back and open the RV entry door, which immediately fell off two hinges! I found a way to secure it for the short ride home, but apparently the fridge door locks dont work so well. Coffee creamer, milk, salsa, etc. came flying at me quicker than taliban bullets in Afghanistan!  As I rounded the corner to the house, I swerved to miss the old man pulling out and not paying attention. In the process, I nailed the neighbors mailbox, scraping the side of the rig and busting light covers and awning brackets in the process! That was my week, how was yours?! LOL!
When I first started I did a thousand dollar of damage to my truck bed when I unhook with out blocking the wheels.  Tore the awning off in the strong wind, couple hundred bucks more.  Damaged, beyond repair not one up two set of rear stabilizer jacks.

Several other mishaps.

Live and learn....and laugh at it...

Honestly sorry to hear of your troubles, but if it's any consolation, that's the funniest thing I've read in a long time! LOL! Maybe the RV gods were just gettin' all the troubles with your new RV out of the way early (Naaaaaaa). :)

Ahhh! The life of an RV'er! Welcome to the fun!

It will keep you on your toes, Just chalk it up as a learning experience and pop a cold one as you laugh.

We all must remember, RVing is an adventure!  Well thats what mu DW keeps telling me.
Way to pack 5 years of "experiences" into your first week! LOL.  It gets better from here.  Really.  Glad you still have a sense of humor about it.

Bet you will never forget that first trip. I love to recall some of my first experiences, both good and bad.

Maybe you will have many more, with some a little less memorable.

You should contact Hollywood with that story. It'd be a great remake of the movie, MONEY PIT, only using an RV instead! Sorry to hear about all that.

Wow....What a bad start you had. Try and put it all behind you, fix some things, and try it again. Good luck.
Reading this I feel so much better about my early days of RVing.  With that said I better check for dark clouds before I go out side
Thanks for making me not feel bad at all about bumping my brand new TT into the house and breaking a marker light lens!  It coulda been worse!

You owe that friend of yours big time, I think that would be over the line...
Haha, live and learn I guess. I thought for sure it was uphill from here, then Code Enforcement paid a visit. Apparently you cant park these things in the driveway! My mechanic is stopping by to get in camping order again. This guys gonna make a fortune if I keep this up!
Did code enforcement say "Hello, I'm from the government and I'm here to help you" ?  I've used that line often, sometimes with laughter ,mostly it brought sarcastic smiles. Had to pick my mark carefully.
How was my week.. Well 1 week ago (WED) styarted out normal, we packed and went to Wal-mart did our shopping and such got an E-mail no choir practice as director not feeling well and returned "home" (To the RV park)

Thursday wife woke up with what she thought was a toothace so I wrote out a post-it note and had her stick it on the park basrber's driver side window on hisi truck. (Towed if the towed it but well, he does not his wife drives it while he takes the MH).. She noticed a light on and went back to knock on door, tripped and bruised a rib.

Toothache turned out to be nothing major (Bit of food stuck under a bridge)  but it's been a week of moaning and groaning from the bruised rib.

I ***THINK**** I got the bedroom slideout leak fixed however. (Fingers crossed and hoping) and we got her new android on which I"m putting Kindle and a few other cute things to get her interested.. Seems to be working. Have not yet told her it's a computer.
My weeks woes weren't RV related, but are woes just the same. I got a call last Monday from the guard patrolling our neighborhood. Apparently there was a river running down my driveway. I called him back and he said there was a bell going off. Damn, I thought. That's the fire sprinkler bell. I told him that if he didn't see any smoke, to shut the water main. I immediately drove home. When I opened the garage door I found everything soaked, and chunks of the ceiling on the ground. The freezing temps caused the water in the fire sprinkler pipe to freeze and burst. I spent the rest of the week sorting through all the damaged equipment and books. Fortunately, insurance is covering it, but this happened a day after we listed the house...

I'm a new RV'er as of last Friday......I found "issues" with my new/used MH when I got it home last Friday and so I took it back to fix on Monday, bummer! Sorry to hear about your ordeal, but that did make me laugh and I can relate.
Good luck in the future!!
SgtGator said:
Haha, live and learn I guess. I thought for sure it was uphill from here, then Code Enforcement paid a visit. Apparently you cant park these things in the driveway! My mechanic is stopping by to get in camping order again. This guys gonna make a fortune if I keep this up!
That is why I live in the country.  I can keep my toys, dogs and guns here and people leave me alone.
braindead said:
Thanks for making me not feel bad at all about bumping my brand new TT into the house and breaking a marker light lens!  It coulda been worse!

You owe that friend of yours big time, I think that would be over the line...
I feel your pain.  When we had our 5th wheel we took it to Alaska for her maiden voyage.  Decided to stop at the Custard museum in MT.  They have these huge steal poles on each side of the entrance.  I took the turn a tad tight and the 5th Wheels driver side tires drooped of the pavement and caused the camper to rock to that side nailing the pole and took out the window.  Luckily a shop in Billings was able to replace it with heavy duty plexy glass.  We were going to replace it when we got home but 8 years later it was still in there.  Why spend the money to replace what was working fine. Oh and the shop stayed open for us to get there and only charged me $25 to do it.  I was ready for over a houndred.  There are good people out there.

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