I pulled the trigger on a really nice 94 Bounder fir $5500 a few weeks ago! The excitement was flowing through our blood and we decided to hit a local county park immediately. The morning started off with the generator going out. We had the starter replaced, only to have the generator go out the next day. No big deal, we had shore power at the park. Within a few hours, water backed up in the tub. I called a buddy, and he directed me to pull a knob near some tanks...as he laughed hysterically, I had poop flying out at me. Went to shower, came back and open the RV entry door, which immediately fell off two hinges! I found a way to secure it for the short ride home, but apparently the fridge door locks dont work so well. Coffee creamer, milk, salsa, etc. came flying at me quicker than taliban bullets in Afghanistan! As I rounded the corner to the house, I swerved to miss the old man pulling out and not paying attention. In the process, I nailed the neighbors mailbox, scraping the side of the rig and busting light covers and awning brackets in the process! That was my week, how was yours?! LOL!