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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2012
Today, I took my truck, 2012 Chevy 1500, to get the weight on a certified scale. I wanted to know how much was the weight to discounted from the overall amount.  I got the following report:
    axle #1  2600 lb
    axle #2  1600 lb
    axle #3  -1740 lb.

However, I do not have a third axle. So, what is the total weight of my truck.  It had a full tank

Can someone explain this to me?  Have you seen this before?

Thanks for any advice.
numbers seem rather odd being multiples of 100.. seems almost like a test..
RVRAC said:
Today, I took my truck, 2012 Chevy 1500, to get the weight on a certified scale. I wanted to know how much was the weight to discounted from the overall amount.  I got the following report:
    axle #1  2600 lb
    axle #2  1600 lb
    axle #3  -1740 lb.

However, I do not have a third axle. So, what is the total weight of my truck.  It had a full tank

I'm betting on 4200 pounds, but who knows.

Can someone explain this to me?  Have you seen this before?

The scale is broken and needs to be fixed, and the scale operator doesn't know what they're doing and should be spanked by whoever regulates such things in your state and sent back to school/kmart/mama or wherever else he/she might have come from.  And you should get your money back, assuming you paid them to weigh your rig.
braindead said:
numbers seem rather odd being multiples of 100.. seems almost like a test..

In my experience, truck scales read in 20 pound increments.
If it was a multi-platform scale did you make sure your rear axle wasn't on the line splitting the #2 and #3 platforms? This would account for the 3 axle reading, if you did add #2 and #3 together, then add #1 to that figure and see if it comes up to the GVW on the ticket.
Cant Wait said:
If it was a multi-platform scale did you make sure your rear axle wasn't on the line splitting the #2 and #3 platforms? This would account for the 3 axle reading, if you did add #2 and #3 together, then add #1 to that figure and see if it comes up to the GVW on the ticket.
His third axle weight negative...  #2 + #3 = -140 pounds ;-)
Very strange - I would go back and ask for a re-weigh.  The scale is three separate segments, so the report should always show three weights. For a two axle vehicle one of them should have been zero, though, unless the truck (or something else) spanned two segments. Even then, I don't see how it could come up with a negative weight, so that should justify a free re-weighing. Or at least a cogent explanation of how the heck it came out negative!

When you go back, make sure the wheels aren't on the divider crack between any two segments of the scale.
Looks like the tare or zero of the 3rd segment is off.
The scale needs to be re-calibrated or there could be so overweight loads out there.
The operator should have noticed this.
Thank  you folks.  It looked weird to  me, I am glad you confirmed it.
I agree the scale is not properly calibrated, or at lest the 3rd segment is not zeroed, I mean MINUS weight?  That is not a valid reading... I would find a different scale.
Maybe go back and point this out, seems they owe you a free weighing (after the problem is fixed).
Well folks, I went back and got a new reading, 4,960.  I was told that one of the axles was on the wrong platform. They did it with no extra charge.

Thank you for your help.

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