Heater/furnace and AC kicked on last night at 2am.

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Just Don

Well-known member
Oct 19, 2012
Longview, Tx
Heater/furnace and AC kicked on last night at 2am.
I think roof AC kicked on first.
Just a few minutes ago they did it again,
with microwave this time. They didn?t stay on long, we did
nuked lunch.
The temperature at night I could see heater
kicking on last night low 60?s(inside),
but not at 1pm today to warm, 73?s.
I have a surge protector at 50 amp outlet.

The microwave will kick on and start blowing
vent fan after we cook sometimes. Figured maybe be
It just did that.

So can someone please help with a reply.
Humm.. Who you gonna call?  GHOSTBUSTERS....

Is your A/C a heat pump?

From the sounds of it you had a power "Burp" (short interuption) but that should NOT affect your A/C or Furnace as those use battery power for control... Asuming, of course, you have batteries, they are in decent conditon and connected.

The microwave concerns me... We used to have a Goldstar (Company is now LG) at the office, Dumb thing did not have a START/COOK button, you put your food in, closed the door and twisted the timer.. Took your food out, did not reset the timer to Zero,  closed the door and thankfully a co-worker (By the way this did NOT happen on my shfit) was quick with a fire extinguisher.  Else id' have been out of the office for a while (not long I'm sure).
I don't think it's a heat pump, how do you tell.
This is a control


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The control likely would not help, the id label on the upper unit would.

(in fact it would likely say "HEAT PUMP" if that's what it is)

Reason I asked, if it is a heat pump then it would be normal for it to come on when the T-Stat calls for heat... If it's warm enough outside,,  If it's cold enough INSIDE the furnace might also be called for.

However that said I still think a power burp caused everything to false.
Even if its a heat pump, the thermostat would have to be set to a heating mode for the a/c to activate it. There may be a zone controller that could do that if it malfunctioned, though. Normally the zone control (if you have multiple heat/cool zones) is what actually receives the demand signal from the thermostat and then turns on the a/c or furnace or both.  But not the microwave...

The microwave fan should never cycle of its own accord - it runs only if the microwave is running. Very strange.

My best guess is that either high voltage or ripples of aberrant voltages are running through your RVs power systems. Could be either the shore power source or the RVs own 12v power system converter/charger or inverter/charger. I would start gathering data on both the 12v and 120v power sources and the circuits that have acted in such a bizarre fashion. See if anything looks wonky (out of normal ranges or varying a lot).
Take voltage readings at various places and times. Shore power outlet, transfer switch, circuit breaker panel, microwave outlet, etc.  Note if you feel any heat on any of the boxes that house relays, transfer switch, circuit breakers, or on any outletetc. This is more of a fishing trip than science - you are hoping to stumble into something that seems out of the norm.
If your microwave is an over the range unit it likely has a heat sensor in the bottom of it. This is a safety feature that turns the blower on when the belly of the microwave gets warm. Most generally from cooking. If it is kicking on without heat it may have a faulty sensor. Also leaving the lights on the microwave on for long periods of time can cause it to cycle.
commkruge said:
If your microwave is an over the range unit it likely has a heat sensor in the bottom of it. This is a safety feature that turns the blower on when the belly of the microwave gets warm. Most generally from cooking. If it is kicking on without heat it may have a faulty sensor. Also leaving the lights on the microwave on for long periods of time can cause it to cycle.

I belive your right about micro it only did that once.
Thanks for the replys my friends..

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