Heavy Recliner Help

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Hi Once Again Y'all,
I have a large leather recliner in my new coach that rests on a metal ring with several metal teats protruding from the bottom. Problem is, in order to use it with the slide out I have to move it and then move it to a "store" position when the slide comes in and move it on the carpet. It's a royal PITA. Any suggestions about how to get this monstrosity to glide easier? I'm thinking about trading it in for a Euro recliner if I can't figure this out.
We have a Lafer recliner, bought from Bardd&Hall in Elkhart, IN, that also sits on an aluminum ring but no cleats to prevent it from sliding.  Very comfortable and the foot rest folds underneath the chair so it's not in the way when not in use.
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