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New member
Feb 3, 2013

My wife and I are brand new to RVing.  We don't have anything, but we want comfort when we go camping in Northern California.  Still deciding on new or used, class C, pop up tent trailer, a regular trailer or slide in camper.

This is a great site.  I have been reading a lot and learning.
Hi Newfish and welcome to The RV Forum. Lynette made a great suggestion to visit the RV show at Cal Expo. More RV makes and models in one place than you can imagine. Leave the checkbook at home.
Must agree with the others advice so far!  RV shows are a great way to really get a better idea as to what you will really want.  Also, as we discovered, the first rig will NOT be the one you love.  Leaving the checkbook at home is also great advice unless you are POSITIVE that you are in the market.  Salesmen can be brutal and can convince you of what you need when you reallyl don't.  Do LOTS of research (including all the fabulous info on this forum).  Not only research different types of units, but research the type of camping you will primarily be doing.  There is a big difference in types of campgrounds and what they may or may not accomodate.  If you will be doing most of your camping in state parks and national forests, you may want a smaller unit that can be navigated more easily in those areas as opposed to RV parks that may accomodate big rigs better.  (that of course is just one example and just my humble opinion.)

Either way, good luck and research, research, research.
Thanks for the advice.  My wife and will be going to the RV show at Cal Expo. 
I agree with all above. Have read lots of threads where someone has signed on the dotted line , then posted what they bought. Feedback might be good or bad. I would narrow it down to a few of your top choices, list your tow vehicle and any specifics on this forum before you sign. You might find a certain model was prone to problems or something that would change your mind. Salesmen will tell you that you have lots of vehicle to tow a unit, when maybe you are at the limit or close. There goal is to sell the unit. PERIOD. This forum is a wealth of knowledge, use it to your advantage over the salemen. Might even save you some loot. Good luck.
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