Hello From Colorado

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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New member
Mar 11, 2013
Brighton, CO
I never knew this site existed. Trying to catch up on some reading about a few projects that I'm involved with before spring. A few are LED bulbs, Superglide hitch install, and installation of a hitch on the fiver.  8)
We can't wait for warm weather.
Welcome to the RV Forum!

Hope you get everything done in time for camping!
Clay L said:
Hello yourself and welcome!!
We have a summer home in Palisade (next door to Grand Junction). We are in Bouse Az right now.
Where are you located?

Brighton, CO. Not quite as scenic as in Palisade..
Wow, there are a lot of Colorado folks on this site. The forecast is rather dismal for working outside this weekend so the Superglide will have to wait. BTW, if anybody is looking for a 5th Airborne/Sidewinder very cheap, do a search in the Greeley Craigs List. It's not mine but I came across it while looking for the hitch.
Welcome from Denver, well Green Valley Ranch actually. :)

Colorado is a great place to camp between all of the campground options and tons of boondocking available. We have been boondocking the area up by Jefferson the last few years and never take the same spot twice. I'd be happy to point out some spots to you.

Another nice thing about Colorado is craigslist. You can get solar panels for under a dollar a watt locally. (no tax, no delivery fees) With a ebay controller and set of wires you could have a 200w+ portable system for under $400. There are also always generators and other camping gear on there for less than you'd think.

Someday we should do a Colorado rally, there's enough of us. :)
Someday we should do a Colorado rally, there's enough of us.

Maybe in one of your boondocking spots :)

Sounds great to me. There a number of clearings not too far off the pavement that are easy to get to and will hold multiple RVs. Every time we go up we see groups holding events. It's easy to get to, 1-70 to Jefferson, south on 77 8 miles to 39. Two miles in starts the NSF. The area is called Rock Creek road and most spots are on small spurs so you are away from the road.
You talking out by Tarryall ? We pass through Jefferson frequently when traveling Cortez to Denver. Pretty area.
I think you mean use 285 to get to Jefferson.  Then south toward Tarryall Res, and that is a good area. 
Hello to all from Pueblo--actually Pueblo West-- and we are one of many from CO who practice the art of RVing.  Used to live in Bailey area and spent some time in the Jefferson /Jefferson Lake -Fairplay area... Lots of good fishing in South Park.
Jerry H
Rock Creek road is between Terryall and Jefferson. BTW Tarryall has a few cramped campgrounds itself. Nothing much but they are on the lake and free.

The area is the South Park ranger district seen here in the west side of their motor vehicle use map. http://staythetrail.org/mvum/2013-01-15/PSI_SouthPark_East_2012.pdf

It is a great district to boondock in. We have only been exploring it for a few years and there are still spots on Rock creek we want to get. We are working our way to Eleven mile slowly making notes as to which roads we fit on and spots we want. I'd call the ranger office first but up until we went last year it was if you see a fire ring, you can camp there. Other than that the views are wonderful, there is lots of firewood to collect and most of the sites have good distance between them.
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