Hello From Endicott, NY!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Well-known member
May 19, 2005
Endicott, NY
? ?Just found this forum through another member!? We are a family of 4 that have been RVing for over 10 years.? We are planning our biggest trip yet; 7 weeks around the country!? I am planning on documenting it at the following website http://herewego2005.blogspot.com

  See ya!
Welcome to the RV Forum Framily.  We are glad you found us.  What part of the country are you From?  What part of the country will you be traveling?
PLease join in any of the ongoing discussions or start new discussions relating to the RVing lifestyle.
Thanks for joining us.
Welcome Rich. Hope you have a great trip. How about dropping by occasionally to let us know how things are progressing?  Maybe even post a photo or two along the way?
Rich & Kay & Family,

Welcome to the RV Forum.  Glad you found us and hope that you will make this your RVing home on the internet.  Feel free to jump into any conversation with your comments or start a subject of your own.  Sounds like you have a great trip planned!


There's lots of good folks here, you'll enjoy visiting and getting to know us.

See you on the road.

Thanks everyone for the kind words.? I'll try and keep our BLOG updated on our trip as we go along.? Thanks again.
Hi Rich and Kay,

I clicked onto your web site and noted your extensive travel map.  Several years ago my husband and I did that trip in a car. We had a small 2 person  tent in the trunk and pulled into camp grounds dead tired at the end of a long days drive.  I now recall this trip with great fondness. It as the trip where we decided we needed a bigger rig to do RVing. 

You will find you are not in most places  long enough to see "everything,"  but you will be able to make notes to yourself on the places you want to come back and spend more time.  It's a great exploration.  Have fun and keep us posted.  Prior to getting into an area you may want to post specific questions about the place as so many here on this forum have been there and could give you some suggestions and highlights of NOT TO MISS  places.

Betty Brewer
Hi Rich,

We will be at the Ives Run, COE campground in Tioga, PA the first two weeks of Oct.  If you get in the area please stop by.  I will give you the site number as soon as I track it down.  My home originally is Blossburg, PA, just a short trip south on US 15.  I will be stayi8ng near Elmira some time the end of Sept but do not know where yet.

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