Hello from England

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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New member
Mar 21, 2013
My wife (She's Welsh but no one is perfect) & I (25% Irish, 50% English, 25% a mystery, possibly Italian)(but otherwise I'm nearly perfect) are experienced mini-RV'ers in our own converted 23' long 4.25 ton truck, 6 wheeler, 3 litre diesel. We've travelled all UK & also Holland, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Bosnia, Republika Srpska. No satnav, GPS, bluetooth or any of that stuff; just a compensated marine compass on the dashboard plus sun & star navigation. Mostly on campsites, farms etc. but also wildcamping (I believe you call it 'Boondocking' ?).

We have been RV-ing (we call it 'campervanning' over here) since 2003 whenever we can; both retired but I still have my own small part business to eke out the pension.
We've always had a dream to "Travel America" but always had time/$/? limitations. Now we have the time, a few pounds (bucks) to spare (but not a lot !!) but must do something before increasing age forces our health insurance premiums beyond acceptable reason. So we have joined your Website to investigate the US travelling scene. We usually 'risk it' anywhere in Europe without health cover - I had my appendix out in a Spanish hospital 3 years ago & wife has been to Spanish/Italian clinics for minor treatment. I would expect that US medical costs are probably way too high for our private cash payment without insurance cover; does  Medicaid cover foreigners ? - I bet it don't !.

I'm not very computer minded nor Webforum experienced, just registering is a graduation job !

Regards, MichaelUK    -- my proper name is Michael but that name was already taken (computer it says 'No'.)
For all our friends on the other side of the puddle, Michaels words at the end of his post comes from a British TV series called "Little Britain".  You will find many examples on YouTube. Here is one.  8) ;D

Hello boyo, and welcome to The RV Forum. I see your wife comes from the right side of the Severn Bridge  ;D

Sounds like you have some great experience of touring Europe, and I hope you're able to share some of that experience and answer questions related to Europe.

You won't be covered by Medicare (for seniors) or Medicaid (for low income families). Most hospitals have a large slush fund to use for folks who can't pay. Whenever we've had family and friends visit from the UK, we've always told them "don't come without insurance". They usually buy 'traveller's insurance' through a travel agent, relatively inexpensive and good for a year. When they've needed emergency medical treatment, the hospital or medical provider has accepted their traveller's insurance without question; In these cases, the hospital/provider billed the UK insurance company directly.

Some family and friends no longer visit because they hit some magic age (70?) when they're no longer able to get traveller's insurance, or they had some medical event such as a heart attack that disqualified them for coverage.
I would be happy to answer any European travel questions if within my knowledge/experience, but not necessarily immediately if I'm busy on other things.
The "magic age" is indeed 70 so neither of us has much time left.
A few places on our forum that might be of particular interest (click on the links):

Our Visitors to the USA message board.

The Visitors to the USA area of our forum library.

Our Glossary of RV terms (button in the toolbar above) includes numerous equivalent UK/USA terms.

Meanwhile, feel free to ask questions. As you've seen, we try to respond promptly.
Thanks for your replies & useful info links. I used to think I was 'Super' mike, looks like I've now been demoted !.
I used to think I was 'Super' mike, looks like I've now been demoted !.

LOL Mike. You can change the name that shows in your messages by clicking the Profile button above, then click Modify Profile and Account Settings. So, you can easily be Superman again  ;D

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