Hello from Minnesota

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Fellow Minnesotan here. Located in Albert Lea. Plan on going full time in the fall.
Hello Knightclimber. DH (dear husband) and I are fellow Minnesotans and have been Members of the Forum for 10 years. Lots of great experts, wise advice, and we've made many new RV friends along our travels.

We occasionally travel by Albert Lea on our way to other destinations. As a matter of fact we went though there last Saturday. (Very scary, icey roads!)

DH (Eric) and I travel 3 to 4 months a year and enjoy meeting up with other RVers along the way.
Ever camp at any of the new wright county rv parks? They did a good job putting them together. 3 new ones in last few years. Or, brainard/baxter area has some good rv parks. Most of the time we like full hookups but do enjoy state parks too. Tell me your preference's and I’ll come up with a few to choose from.
Hey Bear. We're in Wright County. Where are the RV Parks you referred to. Thanks from another RV Minnesotan.

We go to both Collinwood and Bertram. We are going next month to Bertram for the weekend to break in camping season. They just started a new online reservation system. Kind of tricky but was able to make mine after figuring it out. You can check out there maps to see where you want to park. $75 for 2 nights (Friday-Sunday). Your back from your trip? How did it go? We will be at Bertram 3-5 May. Collinwood is ok but the trees haven’t matured yet. Will be a few years more before shaded trees for the campers.
I'm in Mora. I'm also semi-retired (fully at the end of the year). We usually start off our year by going 20 miles away to Pokegema Lake Campground. Except for 2 trips to Rapid City, we have only camped in state. Plan on changing that a little this year and then REALLY changing it come Jan. next year.
I'm in Mora. I'm also semi-retired (fully at the end of the year). We usually start off our year by going 20 miles away to Pokegema Lake Campground. Except for 2 trips to Rapid City, we have only camped in state. Plan on changing that a little this year and then REALLY changing it come Jan. next year.
Is that your RV in your avatar? Am still on the fence about switching to a drivable RV from my 5th wheel. Have to convince the dear wife before I can start looking.
Is that your RV in your avatar? Am still on the fence about switching to a drivable RV from my 5th wheel. Have to convince the dear wife before I can start looking.
It's the stock photo from their website. Mine's not that shiny, need to give it a bath.
I also try to get to Apple River Campground at least once a year, but always NOT a holiday weekend (to avoid incidents like a couple years ago).
Is that your RV in your avatar? Am still on the fence about switching to a drivable RV from my 5th wheel. Have to convince the dear wife before I can start looking.
Had a 5th wheel before this and sometimes wish I had it back.
Had a 5th wheel before this and sometimes wish I had it back.
Please explain why. My biggest issue is if a TOAD is needed, that’s 2 engines I have to maintain and pay insurance on. Go without a TOAD and forget something, you’re screwed. Did find out insurance on new rvs is nuts compared to used one. Brother in law almost bought a new one on the E350 platform but after he checked insurance, said he couldn’t afford it that it was so much. He found a 8 year old one almost the same as new, said was fairly cheap.
I found a really good deal on this one. I knew both previous owners. I got it along with a toad, so I didn't have to set it up. I always have insurance on 2 vehicles anyway, so that made no difference. A week after I bought this my daily driver died on me, so I didn't have to go buy another car. My main reason for MH over 5th wheel is that I have more storage room and I can pull a trailer if I want. May end up moving to a DP in a few years - we'll see. It's not really the 5th wheel I miss, it's that F-350 dually that I pulled it with.
It boggles my mind why ANYONE would buy a new RV. That initial depreciation is about the best way you can find to lose thousands in a few minutes
I also have 2 Ebikes I can throw on the cargo carrier and take with. Did that on our trip to Rapid a couple years ago and it worked good. Didn't have to bring the toad and could bike to store when needed. Just rode along with other family members going to Rushmore, Custer state park, etc.
My last two 5th wheels where new. Good deal on the 1st one but paid through the nose on the second one, my current RV. After going through all the crap from warranty work the 1st year, don’t really plan on getting anything else, unless a sweetheart deal happens. Lost a lot of outside storage upgrading to my current RV. Am considering an enclosed trailer to pull behind. My 1 ton won’t have any problems pulling it. I would miss my truck if I went drivable RV so no future plans for now to upgrade. Wife bought us to E Scooters last year and now wants E Bikes. Researching them now. Our state is about to have rebates on E Bikes so that will help if they do it. Maybe see you at a campground in the new future. Our 1st trip is next weekend.
Have to convince the dear wife before I can start looking.
Yep, change is always hard to do.

When my DW and I first looked into getting an RV she was adamant on a class C over an A. I sorta forced the issue that more space and storage is a good thing, and look at that view out of the huge windshield.
So, now we are on our third A, an entry-level DP that we love, but last year was quite the year in repair and expense. So we thought maybe it was time to downsize. We started checking websites looking at different models and used price ranges. After a couple of weeks of browsing the net and talking we decided to hit a couple of local dealers to walk their lots. At the first dealer, we went through every used C they had and were not impressed at all. So we decided to walk through a bunch of new ones. After trying to get up from the driver's seat, and my DW from the passenger seat banging our knees on the doghouse and twisting our ankles just to walk back into the RV, we gave up the idea of going down to a class C. We didn't bother visiting the other dealer we planned to stop at.

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