Hello from Oregon

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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New member
Jan 18, 2013
Just found this forum tonight . Here to learn from others & help others . An awesome forum .
Got our 2003 Jayco Designer  w/ triplesliders  in April 2003. Moved into it May of 2004 . Sold our home in January of 2005 .
Dealing with some health challenges right now . Hoping to be able to wait till 2015 to retire , but may have to retire sooner . Joyfulcamper & Hubby
Hi Joyful (and Hubby), and welcome to The RV Forum. Hope you're able to deal with those health challenges.
Hi Joyful,

Where abouts are you from in Oregon? Have a relative that lives in Klamath Falls. Best!
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