Hello from South Carolina!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Mar 9, 2019
Hello, Everyone!  My Hubby and I recently bought a fixer-upper 1996 Sunnybrook TT cks.  We are semi-retired currently and have the TT installed permanently in the side of our front yard, fully hooked up and tied down for us to use as our private getaway.  We have replaced the refrigerator and commode thus far and newest project is replacing the shower faucet set soon (it is ordered and to arrive next week).  We are blessed to have a knowledgeable neighbor to help us accomplish these projects.  After this, we are hoping to replace the ac.  We are newbies, and learning as we go.  Maybe one day we might take the TT for a vacation somewhere, but right now we are happy updating, decorating, and enjoying it as it is.  Anyway, just wanted to say hello to all you fine folks and happy to find this delightful, friendly forum to enjoy reading about you and learning.  Maria7
Welcome to the RV Forum Maria7

Sometimes half the fun is just spending time in the RV even in front of your home.

Feel free to post any questions you may have.
Welcome to the forum. As you can see from my profile at the bottom this post, I have a 1996 travel trailer I purchased last year. I'm making some of the same improvements you are doing with yours.

Right now I'm considering attending in May a Good Sam Club mini RV rally near Cleveland, SC. And, I thought the only Cleveland was in Ohio.

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