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New member
Feb 27, 2013
Hello RV World, My boyfriend, 2 kids and myself have been a full-timer for 6 months. WE LOVE IT!!  We wanted to move where the schools were the best, without buying a house and being locked into the area. ( Area's Change as we all know) So after doing homework and learning about the World of RV's we made a Great decision to buy a Fifth Wheel Toy Hauler. My 13 year old daughter has her on space in the toy hauler area with a king size bed, TV, stereo, built in with surround sound speakers, and a 2nd bath, she shares the space with the washer and dryer. My 11 year old son has a queen size loft with a TV and his Xbox 360, every little boys dream, he loves his space. The fifth wheel is very roomy and gives the feel of a home.. We shopped around to find the perfect one for our family.  After finding the perfect Fifth wheel and having it delivered, we learned quickly there is a lot we didn't research like the Essential Items that you need to live in it full time.
I think now we have everything in order to live year around. Buying the fifth wheel in late summer helped us be more prepared for getting what we needed for winter.  My suggestion to any one that is thinking of going full time; is to start buying the things you need to live year around. It makes it easier not to have to buy all at once, that can be a large expense.  We just bought a F450 to pull the fifth wheel, So we are ready to take our first trip.  We have so enjoyed the life of full-timing. 
Welcome to the Forum! Very neat story you have and sounds like a really interesting expierence!
Welcome to the forum.
Please ask questions and for us that don't know
the awnsers like me please post pictures!!  ::)

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