Hello to Colorado!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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New member
Feb 25, 2013
Hey everyone, my name is Lexi and I will be moving to the Fort Collins area in a Kodiak travel trailer in July. I'll be attending school in the area and I'm looking for some great places to park the Kodiak, or even a space with an address I can rent to park it. If anyone has any thoughts let me know!

If I were you, I would stay at Boyd Lake State Park.  Colorado parks are pricy, but well maintained. There is a 14 day limit, but it would give you time to look around the area and see if you could find a more permanent site. Be sure to drive the Poudre River canyon, probably one of the top ten scenic drives in the US.
Welcome to the forum.
Please ask questions and for us that don't know
the awnsers like me please post pictures!!  ::)

Also look at trailer/Mobil home parks parks also good for full time like your looking for.
Good luck you have to post your report card know.  ;)
Good luck
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