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New member
Jan 20, 2013
Hello from the midwest. My name is Dale and the wife and I just joined. We are currently considering a 1999 southwind DP 300 td with about 54k on the meter. If anyone has any reviews advice etc on this model fire away.

Thanks in advance and we are looking forward to getting to know the forum members.

Welcome aboard, I am not familiar with what you are considering but I am sure you will get some responces if not post in the appropriate forum and you will get more activity.

Enjoy the forum, lots of good information here and good people.


Hey Dale,

Welcome.  Not familiar with your model but I will say when buying an RV in the winter, many places have already winterized their models, which makes it more difficult to test all the systems before buying.  For example, a place might just run a portable motor through your city water hook-up and send some anti-freeze through the lines to show you the pipes work, but then you don't really know about the water pump in the coach, etc. 

This may not apply if you are considering for a few months from now, but if you are buying a winterized model, get them to get it ready so you can make sure all the systems work properly.  If they aren't willing to ditch $50 worth of anti-freeze so you feel good about the purchase, that should be a red flag.  54K isn't a ton of miles, but I agree with Kim maintenance records are important at that point.  Timing belts, tires, brakes, etc. can all add quite a bit to the $$ if they haven't been kept up and you will have to take care of them after you drive it off the lot.  Far more money if they get you by surprise. 

I'm in Indiana most of the time but travel for work etc.  Maybe our paths will cross.  Until then safe travels and keep the rubber side down!

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