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Aug 5, 2010
I plugged my trailer in to my house a few weeks ago to get ready to go camping this weekend. I just went into the trailer and nothing will work lights, slide etc. I have had the batteries out of the trailer and on a trickle charger. I know the batteries were charged when I put them in. I am trying to figure this out. Can somebody give me some suggestions as to where to start looking for the problem.
Probably need a lot more information but one place to start would be the 12v fuses or circuit breaker panel.
The batteries are hooked up proper polarity. I will check the fuses when I get off. I will report back thanks guys!
Your converter output may have some fuse protection against inadvertent polarity reversal (an oops... moment) and if that occurred..... Check also for an accidentally missed wire when you replaced the batteries.

Using a VOM, check the battery voltage across the terminals. With no outside power and no loads they should read about 12.2V for a fully charged battery, 13.5V while charging and below 11.5V, effectively DEAD. Also check the water level in the cells adding distilled water as necessary.

VOM = Volt-Ohm Meter, never leave home without one, available at Radio Shack etc. for under 20$ usually.
If you have a built in generator, check the two breakers on the front of the gen set.  Usually a sudden no power situation like that is breaker/fuse related.
I figured it out... There were two blown fuses that were behind a hidden panel. It said polarity protection fuses... My father in law used the trailer this spring and put the batteries in as I was out of town. He must haves reversed them. Thanks for the help guys!

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