here's a dumb question--help a newbie out lol

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Mar 11, 2013
hi everyone

im just starting to look at class A homes.

heres my dumb question.

why such a difference in prices?
im seeing 1976 for $20,000  and newer models for about the same price.
why would a 20 year older model be going for the same price?
It depends on the make. a 1976 if it is a Bluebird may be worth the money. OTOH some seller have no idea what their RV is really worth.
Once an RV reaches about 15 years of age, condition becomes all-important and age ceases to be a factor.  There is also a wide price spread among brands, e.g. Cadillac vs Yugo. Premier brands can easily run double the run-of-the-mill models, but as a newbie you probably don't readily recognize the names or the differences in construction and amenities.

And then, as Captsteve says, private sellers often just overprice them, at least initially. They are often in denial about the tremendous loss in monetary value they have suffered.
thanks for the quick replies guys  :-*

i have a 2 year 'state vacation' i have to do 1st.
but after that,
i REALLY wanna buy a class A and just live on the road, in warmer climates,
than stay around here. Just me and my cats.

i really dont think i will have a lot of opportunity to do research,
while on "vacation"
so i will have to start all over again on the research.
but just wanted some ideas 1st

again thanks

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