Hi from New Member

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New member
Feb 22, 2013
i guess a short introduction is in order.  Name is Jim, my body is nearing 66 but my brain is still stuck in adolescence. LOL
i live in Georgia in the vicinity of Jefferson / Athens GA  Vietnam Veteran - USAF - Udorn RTAB - F-4 Phantoms

Last year in order to carve some time out of our busy schedules I decided to purchase what i lovingly referred to as the Relic - a 1990 Allegro M34.  I picked it up on the cheap for proof of concept with the better half to see if  rv'ing suited us and of course learned a whole lot while remedying its numerous mechanical 'eccentricities'  ;)

The main shortcoming  for the relic was a lack of width which meant that the mrs., the dog, and i were constantly 'dancing' when moving fore and aft.

Traded the relic in last week for a (new to us) 1999 Discovery which i now lovingly refer to as the 'Beast.'  So now the learning curve begins anew.  Driving the DP versus a 454 Chevy is distinctly different as are the Allison, air brakes and 50% more weight.  Whoever came up with the idea of slides needs to be enshrined in some RV Hall of Fame.  :)

I have already surfed the forums for Discovery info which seems to support that i made a fairly good decision.

Thanks to all of you who have and will continue to share information - these sites make you wonder how we ever got along without being able to have such vast tech data and real world advice at our fingertips years ago - i guess struggle is the word.

Hope everyone has a fantastic year as we enter the new rv season.


Hi Jim, and welcome to the forum.

Phantoms - always loved F-4s! Was in Navy helicopters myself - SH-Fs. They've been gone from the fleet for years. Most folks don't even know what they look like. Been flying police helicopters for the last 24 years and retire in 10 months.

We live in San Diego and have been RVrs since about 1990. We plan to do what you just did (sell the gas coach and get a DP) as soon as I retire. I'm sure you'll find the forum helpul when you have questions. Lots of friendly, knowledgeable folks here.

Best regards,

Welcome, Jim!

I am extremely jealous of all who got to ride or drive an F-4, my favorite jet.

Our first motorhome was a 2006 Fleetwood Expedition, similar in some aspects to your Discovery, and were very pleased with it. Although Fleetwood has had it share of corporate issues, I was able to get very decent support from Customer Service, including wiring and plumbing diagrams. We had no issues with it when we traded up last year; just found something that was even better suited for us.

We still do the "dance" from time to time, but being full timers, we think it's a cheap price to pay for this much fun! Hope your experience is much the same.

Welcome Jim, and thank you for your service.

We have owned 2 Allegro Motorhomes in the past, a 1983 and a 1998, both on the chevy chassis with the 454 engine.  In 2011 we bought our first diesel pusher, a 2000 Fleetwood American Dream and you are right about it being distinctly different from the old chevy chassis motorhomes.  Fleetwood made a lot of good motorhomes and the Discovery was certainly one of them, so I think you made a good choice.  A lot of the Fleetwood motorhomes share many of the same systems so you will find plenty of Fleetwood owners who can help you when you need it.

Again, welcome and enjoy your new coach.


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