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Jan 13, 2025
Times like this I really miss my Dad, so i found you guys lol.. I need help with waterpump information.. friend is getting a 1978 estancia ( landover).. the seller says needs new water pump.. but will give us no info that helps us..lol its v8-440..can someone help with wowa part number be great..lol but will take any helpful info and advice..
Welcome to the forum from WI. Do not know answer to your question but I would think if you went to an auto parts store they would be able to provide the information.
It's nice when you can buy a new one plus all the bits and goop to do a swap in one shot but anymore, I'll pluck the old part off to take to the parts store to compare with. Probably no issue finding one even of that vintage but being a truck chassis it might have a different pump than other vehicles that had the same block. Putting them side by side on the parts counter takes a lot of the guesswork and trips back and forth out of it. Once you get a valid cross, make a note what chassis was used for reference so when you go parts hunting in the future you know where to start. Surfing through the intertubes will also yield data and references which you should save as you come across them.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
Times like this I really miss my Dad, so i found you guys lol.. I need help with waterpump information.. friend is getting a 1978 estancia ( landover).. the seller says needs new water pump.. but will give us no info that helps us..lol its v8-440..can someone help with wowa part number be great..lol but will take any helpful info and advice..
Pretty much any Automotive shop should be able to help with the engine WP. call around, and tell them what vehicle you have, and if they don't know what you're talking about, move on to the next. It's basically a Dodge 440 engine, not really hard to work on, if they know what they're doing.
friend is getting a 1978 estancia ( landover).. the seller says needs new water pump.
I think you mean a 1978 Overland Estancia. It had a gas V8 engine, a Dodge 440 V8, I think.

RVs have two different water pumps, one part of the engine cooling system and another that pumps water from the "house" fresh water tank to the sinks & shower. Are you sure the seller is talking about the engine water pump and not the house water pump?
The 440 V8 came in slightly differing configurations for cars vs heavy trucks vs marine. Don't know if the engine water pump differed among those or not. The High Output (Magnum) version was typically used in heavy trucks or marine applications. If the coach engine has a 4-barrel carb, it's probably the High Output version. Should be no problem finding an aftermarket water pump for this engine once you've identified the variant.

Good hunting!

My gut told me this was another AI bot post. Never seen one start a thread? Hope I am wrong.
I am not a bot…lol.. i am not mechanically stupid, dad and 3 brothers, dad gramps and uncles raced stck cars i grew up in the pits lol. I am in no way a mechanic but u wont find me looking for hours for a left handed monkey wrench! Lol. Thank u all for the welcome, and the advice… i have been on rock bottom as about 20 other shops. i even questioned weather or not rv had 2 wp.. they said no… thats why i was having so much trouble trying to figure out how engine wp and fresh water pump as one would even fit.. very confused.. this is not even my deal lol. But for the fresh water pump… small rv 4 water sources so i was thing the mid size pump good choice.. but then id think big engine go higher…am i over thinking this….
I think you mean a 1978 Overland Estancia. It had a gas V8 engine, a Dodge 440 V8, I think.

RVs have two different water pumps, one part of the engine cooling system and another that pumps water from the "house" fresh water tank to the sinks & shower. Are you sure the seller is talking about the engine water pump and not the house water pump?
The 440 V8 came in slightly differing configurations for cars vs heavy trucks vs marine. Don't know if the engine water pump differed among those or not. The High Output (Magnum) version was typically used in heavy trucks or marine applications. If the coach engine has a 4-barrel carb, it's probably the High Output version. Should be no problem finding an aftermarket water pump for this engine once you've identified the variant.

Good hunting!

Hi wizard, ty for your reply. Can i ask.. is there a web site that i could find specks and wire diagram ect for the rv?
is there a web site that i could find specks and wire diagram ect for the rv?
Probably not. That information may not have even been available when the RV was new, many builders do not publish it and over time is lost. You're not going to find many vintage RV's still operating, so odds are pretty good the only documentation you have is what you create. Generally original wiring is fairly straightforward to figure out, it's the "field modifications" by others over the years that can make tracing a challenge.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
i even questioned weather or not rv had 2 wp.. they said no… thats why i was having so much trouble trying to figure out how engine wp and fresh water pump as one would even fit.. very confused..
The engine has a water pump that circulates the coolant through the radiator and engine. That water has anitfreeze in it and is not safe to drink. There is a completely different water system inside of the RV for potable(drinking) water that includes a connection on the outside for a city water supply and also a tank for storing water with a pump to push it through the RV water system. The two are not connected in any way.
But for the fresh water pump…
The RV has a pump similar to this that is located near the fresh water (potable) tank.
big engine go higher…
The engine has a water pump mounted on it that looks similar to this.
Yea now I wonder which water pump. Lol

Motomom, does rv run ok or is it overheating. Or do sinks and showers not work.
The engine has a water pump that circulates the coolant through the radiator and engine. That water has anitfreeze in it and is not safe to drink. There is a completely different water system inside of the RV for potable(drinking) water that includes a connection on the outside for a city water supply and also a tank for storing water with a pump to push it through the RV water system. The two are not connected in any way.

The RV has a pump similar to this that is located near the fresh water (potable) tank.
View attachment 177640

The engine has a water pump mounted on it that looks similar to this.
View attachment 177641
Got that ty
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