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New member
Dec 27, 2012
Hi. I just joined today. My husband and I are full time RV'ers. We currently reside in Las Vegas, NV.  It will be fun chatting.
Hey there :) thanks for the reply. My husband and I have been full timing since 2004. We Love It! we have a 2005 Montana Big Sky 5th wheel with a 2500 dodge ram. My husband Mark is a disabled veteran. We headed out of Oregon in 04 traveled Ca, NV, and Colorado. and plan on going east next year hopefully if all goes well. Mark just had his kidney removed from kidney cancer, so we will have to see how things go. Las Vegas is nice but it gets up to 120 deg. in the summer... too hot!
From one vet to another, please thank Mark for his service!

We stayed in Pahrump for a week at Thanksgiving and did the Golden Nugget buffet for Thanksgiving to be "different" for the holiday. Had a great time!

We did not get to explore near enough, but will come back, but certainly not in the summer!

Hope all does go well, and you get to travel like you want. We wish Mark the best possible outcome from his surgery.

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