Honda 200i generator problem

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2005
Im having trouble with my Honda 2000i generator.  I left it for the summer while away in Washington State, so it wasn't started for a few months.  When I tried to start it, of course the carburettor was gummed up.  I've cleaned that out, and cleared the jets and it starts fine now.  The problem I'm having is that the engine now runs at top speed and the eco throttle doesn't kick in.  I am getting electrical output.  Does anyone have any ideas about what may be happening and how to fix it?


I'm just making a stab in the dark at this one.  Having owned a 2000i, and currently own a 3000is, I am just wondering if maybe the Eco Throttle switch is just a bit corroded and not making internal contacts seeing how it just sat for a few months.  You didn't mention if it was just thrown in a corner of the garage or in the dry basement of your house. 

After sitting for so long, I think I would have it checked for proper voltage output and frequency.  If nothing else, put a load on that puppy and run it for an hour or so!  Gennys need to be excercised.  Put a 1000-1500 watt load on her and work it.

I make mine do the dance at least every other month.  Suppose to keep the internal magnets energized and in good order.  If nothing else, it charges the battery and works the oil around a bit.  Has been my routine for many years.  So far, so good.
I am wondering if after you cleaned the carb.. When re-assembling, you failed to connect the throttle return spring, or connected it wrong. Or otherwise messed up the throttle linkage.
Thanks to  everyone who responded.  I stripped it down again and found that the throttle shaft was also gummed up.  The throttle control motor was not strong enough to operate the valve in this condition.  Gave it a good clean and reassembled and it now purrs like a kitten.  It's a little tricky with a couple of small screws and small springs, but with a little patience it can be done quite easily.

Dennis in Las Vegas
Bravo, Dennis!  Glad to hear you found the problem.  Take proper care of that Honda.  I have found over the years that the Honda's will do you a great job if not neglected.  I've had 4 of them for different reasons.  All worked as expected and sold for a great return (with proper care). 

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