Hot Water heater not heating after replacing relief valve

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Just Don

Well-known member
Oct 19, 2012
Longview, Tx
Hot Water heater not heating after replacing relief valve.
Turned off water by tank and at main water line.
It's warm but nothing like it was before replacing the valve.
Switch is on water is flowing, whats up!
Should I replace the water heating Element.
All I did was have a leaking valve so I replaced.

How does it work on gas?  If the heat is the same on gas or electric, then the element is not at fault.

Did you have the water heater bypassed while changing the PT relief valve? Are you sure the valves are back in the "use" position? That's the most likely explanation for water that is warm but not hot.

By the way, a "leaking" PT relief valve is usually caused by a lack on an air head in the tank and not an indication that the valve is bad. The valve leaks because of internal pressure build-up in the tank when there is insufficient air at the top.
Gary RV Roamer said:
How does it work on gas?  If the heat is the same on gas or electric, then the element is not at fault.
Did you have the water heater bypassed while changing the PT relief valve? Are you sure the valves are back in the "use" position? That's the most likely explanation for water that is warm but not hot.
By the way, a "leaking" PT relief valve is usually caused by a lack on an air head in the tank and not an indication that the valve is bad. The valve leaks because of internal pressure build-up in the tank when there is insufficient air at the top.
What should I have done.
How do I fix the air thing.
I found the down load in library.
Can I take the valve back to Lowe's?  ;)
Thanks Gary
I should have searched before I replaced. In house I just replaced.
You probably opened the bypass valve by accident when you were done with the repair.  Just find it and close it and everything will be OK.  There are three valves by the water heater, the bypass is the center one.
I have three one that goes to the ground. So that's not it.
One is in a blue line and one in a red line.
Thank from your reply's I figured it out.
And why do they have a valve that can do this?

Also I included a picture. The bottom valve need shut off.

Thanks for your help wife is taking a hot shower, I'M her hero.
Your my hero's..
Just Don in hot water again..


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And why do they have a valve that can do this?

The heater bypass valving is for winterizing the RV using antifreeze. The bypass system allows you to drain the tank so you don't need to fill it with antifreeze when you pump antifreeze through the rest of the water lines.  However, if you winterize by blowing the water lines out with compressed air, the bypass is of little value.

It also provides lots of fodder for forums such as this. Rarely does a week go by without someone asking why their hot water is only warm, giving us the opportunity to explain the heater bypass system and its possible flaws.  ;D
Gary RV Roamer said:
The heater bypass valving is for winterizing the RV using antifreeze. The bypass system allows you to drain the tank so you don't need to fill it with antifreeze when you pump antifreeze through the rest of the water lines.  However, if you winterize by blowing the water lines out with compressed air, the bypass is of little value.
It also provides lots of fodder for forums such as this. Rarely does a week go by without someone asking why their hot water is only warm, giving us the opportunity to explain the heater bypass system and its possible flaws.  ;D
Glad I could help Gary that's my job as a Newbie..
I know about a house h2o heater, but this was new 2 me and
I sure want to thanks every one for there helping out..
Y'all a great.
Just Don bypassing water heater topics! 8)
How when we turn on water in kitchen and bathroom it look's milky.
I know just bubbles, but wonder why it's doing this now.
Water come out of the heater hose is clear.

Thanks every one for your reply's.

Just Don
If your at the homefront, sanitizing the fresh water system may be in order.  The WHOLE system, including the water heater.  "Milky" looking water isn't a good thing.  The library has a bunch of tips for you to help take care of that.  Check it out.  Throw out any other questions you may have.
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