Hot water heater

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Dec 29, 2012

I just registered and a newcomer to the site. I find forums are real helpful.

I have a 2005 Alfa See Ya 30' fifthwheel and having problems with my electric hot water heater shutting off by itself. I read in the manual that it will do this if the water gets too hot. Does anyone know where the hot water temperature adjustment is located? Also, I can't find the heating element on my Atwood GC10A-4E. Does anyone know where it's located?

Thanks, any help is appreciated,
All Water Heaters will turn off when the water is hot whether it is Gas , Electric or both.  The Atwood does not have an adjustable thermostat such as you have in your home.

The Water Heater has two Thermocouples pressed against the side of the tank, one is for normal cutoff when the water reaches approx 140 degrees Fahrenheit, the other Thermocouple is an overheat protection to shut the Water Heater down if the low temperature Thermocouple fails or for any other failure that continues to heat the water.

You can buy a Thermocouple with a lower temperature cutoff if your water is too hot.

If your Water Heater is cutting off and you are not getting sufficient Hot Water I would check the Winterizing Bypass valves or the Outside Shower fixture in your Water Bay (make sure it is off).
Thank you Walt.

The by pass and outside shower are shut off.
I may look into a cooler thermocouple.

Paulstrailor said:
Thank you Walt.

The by pass and outside shower are shut off.
I may look into a cooler thermocouple.

I'm not sure you have a problem.  It is normal for the WH to shut off when it reaches a specific temperature as set by the thermal switch.  Now, if you are saying it shuts off and does not come back on then that's a horse of a different color.  So, exactly what is your hot water or too little hot water or too hot or not hot enough?
The heating element for 120v mode on an Atwood heater is on the back side of the heater, i.e. the side that faces the inside of the RV. If there is no access panel on the inside wall behind the heater, you would have to pull the heater out to get at it. In most Atwoods, the thermostat that controls 120v operation is also on that side, and it is a fixed temperature t-stat as weewun described.

Please explain more about it shutting off by itself. It is supposed to do that - that's what thermostats are for. I gather you are having a problem with hot water, but more details would be helpful before we could suggest a solution.

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