Hot Water

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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2011
I have a problem getting hot water. MY rv is a 40 ft. Monoco Diesel. My hot water is just barely luke warm. Any help solving the promblem would be appreciated. The wh operates on either elec. or propane. Thanks for any suggestions.
The first thing I would check is to make sure  the faucets on the external shower are both off. If they are open and the shower head is closed you can get a cross feed that can cause some strange symptoms.

Next I would let a little water out of the relief valve on the heater and see what the temp of The water in the heater is. On a standard 5 gallon it should be about 140 degrees. On one with a mixing valve it should be about 160 degrees. These are usually found on ten gallon units I think but may be on five gallon units.
If the temp is low I would check the winterizing dirverter valve for a small leak and the mixing valve  if your system has one. In general you will want to look for a cross feed from cold to hot.

If the temp is low I would suspect the thermostat.
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