House Batteries

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the time has come to replace my House Batteries as they are gassing pretty badly and check in the "Red" on the Hygrometer even though they are connected to the Converter.  They are the original Interstate U2200s.

I do not Boondock and the MH is on Shore Power when stored.

I researched the Forum and have decided to replace with less expensive batteries.  Have been to Costco and they have an Interstate GC2 that has a Reserve Capacity (RC) of 100 for $80 and Sam's Club has a Duracell GC2 that has 215 amp/hour rating for $82.

I understand the a/h rating but have no idea of what RC is or how it relates to a/h.

Your input and advice as to which is the better buy will be appreciated, thks.
There is no way to relate RC to AH - they are arrived at by two totally different testing methods and mean different things. RC is the number of minutes the battery can sustain a 25 amp discharge rate.  Since you don't boondock either battery should handle your needs well.
The two batteries you cite are nearly identical in all aspects, even price (only 2 bucks different)  They are very close to the INterstate U-2200, about the only difference IF ANY is quality,, I assume Johnson controls makes "Good, Better, Best" quality and where the intersteates are the "Best" the others may only be good.. In short, how long did your interstates laste,, These may die a year sooner.

But in terms of capacity, all 3 are nearly identical.
John, the Interstate U2200s lasted 6 yrs, no complaints there.

Will probably go with the Interstate GC2s at Costco.
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