House Battery Suggestions

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2005
Hi Guys

I mentioned that the brand new Xantrex Inverter was showing an overtemp warning on our Xantrex control panel.

I had a chat with Xantrex tech guys, who advised that the compartment was probably too small for the unit and suggested a fan was fitted.

They also couldnt understand why the overtemp would come on if the Inverter was off and the Generator was running (they thought the wiring could be wrong somewhere).

Anyway, I asked the Fleetwood dealer in Las Vegas to take a look, with a view to getting authority from Fleetwood for the fan to be installed.

The dealer informed us that the house batteries were all empty of liquid and the sides were bulging out.

They stated this was the reason for the overtemp issue and wanted to charge us $550 to supply and fit 4 new batteries.

I explained that it was impossible for me to see into the small compartment enough to check the batteries and that I had asked every dealer I had visited to check the batteries and they had all confirmed things were fine - the last being 3 weeks ago when the new inverter was installed.

So, I now have to buy 4 new house batteries (I will contact Fleetwood but I wont hold my breath).

I went into Sams Club this morning and there were two choices of 6V Golf Cart batteries.

The first is : Energizer GC2, 220 Amp Hours, Model EnerGC2, dated 11/06, and costing $61.48 each

The other is : Energizer Commercial Group 1, 575CCA, Model Ener1-5, dated 09/09, and costing $30.68 each

Has anyone had any experience with Energiser Golf Cart Batteries and are these prices OK.

Im assuming the first batteries would be the ones for the job, any thoughts ?


PS I have this morning spoken with Xantrex who assured me any problem with the house batteries would not cause the overtemp issue.

And finally, you know by now just how useless I am when it comes to repairing things on the RV.

Can someone explain exactly how to reomve the 4 batteries (wired in series) and what I should ensure I do and dont do when installing the new ones - unfortunately, Sams Club dont offer an installation service. LOL

Paul  Only speaking for myself.  I don't seem to favor those batteries.  I would look for interstate Or perhaps an auto supply store for them. They do have and can't remember the name, a product that monitors your batteries.  In this heat thais past summer and as much as you've used the batteries, I'm not surprised that they are out of acid and bulging.  They do need to be checked.  Even when I'm not using our motorhome I check it every week to 10 days.  But then I
m a worry wart and can't help myself,  got to be doing something.  Oh course this is just my opinion, and others my have a better answer for you.  Good luck
The last time I knew the batteries at Sam's club are made by EXCIDE.  IMHO you would be much better off to avoid them.  If you want a good deep cycle battery get Trojan batteries, INterstate, or one better would be Lifeline AGM batteries.  Unfortunetly auto parts places like Napa carry batteries made by EXCIDE.  Can you tell I have no use for Excide batteries and I strongly recommend avoiding them.
Ron said:
Unfortunetly auto parts places like Napa carry batteries made by EXCIDE.

Ron, FWIW I was in a NAPA store yesterday that sells Interstate batteries, although their prices were higher than another store down the street.
Tom said:
Ron, FWIW I was in a NAPA store yesterday that sells Interstate batteries, although their prices were higher than another store down the street.

That sounds like a good thing.  This summer I was told by the NAPA dealer their batteries were still made by Excide. Maybe they are finally getting the message and changing to a more reliable battery.  Thanks for the info.


Be sure to buy yourself a mirror on a flexible arm - available at an auto parts store - and a small flashlight (aka torch). Use them to check your batteries regularly and don't rely on someone else to check them for you. While at the parts store buy a battery filler - looks like a fat turkey baster. Distilled water can be purchased in gallon containers at a supermarket.

What brand are your old batteries? If they're a good brand like Interstate, you may be able to get a prorated discount if you buy the same brand as replacements. Of course, if they see them devoid of electrolyte, they may say "sorry".

Can someone explain exactly how to reomve the 4 batteries (wired in series) and what I should ensure I do and dont do when installing the new ones...

Before disconnecting the old batteries, be sure to turn off the battery isolator/switch. Make yourself a drawing of where all the wires go, paying particular attention to polarity of the batteries. A digital photo might also help when you replace them.

Also note if your batteries have a threaded post sticking out the top and a nut, or if they have a round post with the cable lug in the form of a clamp around the post. Many batteries come in two flavours of post, so you need to be sure to buy the right one.

Have some electrical tape handy and use it to cover the bare cable lugs as you remove them (just in case) and also to tie together all the wires that go to the same post.

For clarification, two 6V batteries are connected in series with each other and the other two 6V batteries are connected in series with each other. Then one pair is connected in parallel with the other pair (i.e. the four 4V batteries are not all connected in series with each other. If they were, you'd have 24V instead of 12V).
Ron, for clarification, they only had a few Interstates in stock, but said they could get any of them by the next day.
Thanks Guys - as always - for the informative replies.

Ive done some searches for the Trojan T-105's and they are nearly double the price of the Energizer ones ($110 against $62).

Would I actually get twice the use (hrs per charge and years of use) out of the Trojan ?


PS Ive found a Golf Cart forum and some members have spoken of places where the Trojans can be had for $80 - if there is anywhere along my route at that price it would certainly be worth it.
Reason I said Auto parts store  is because my I bought from Napa, Exide in ILL and they went bad,  the Napa Store out here replaced with Interstate.    Figured they'd switched.  But heck I'm old and don't know any better  and what I do know I've forgotten,  I think. 

To add to Tom's suggestions remove the cable that runs from the coach to the Negative post first to avoid grounding a hot positive lead. I was at an Interstate company store this summer where you could pull in and they would change the batteries if you so desired.
Jeff Cousins said:
....remove the cable that runs from the coach to the Negative post first to avoid grounding a hot positive lead.

Now that's too clever for me Jeff! If he did that, Paul wouldn't need to be taping the hot wires.
Thanks Carl  I couldn't remember but knew it was something like that.
UK-RV said:
Thanks Guys - as always - for the informative replies.

Ive done some searches for the Trojan T-105's and they are nearly double the price of the Energizer ones ($110 against $62).

Would I actually get twice the use (hrs per charge and years of use) out of the Trojan ?


PS Ive found a Golf Cart forum and some members have spoken of places where the Trojans can be had for $80 - if there is anywhere along my route at that price it would certainly be worth it.

Have you ever heard the saying you get what you pay for??  Well in this case if you buy the cheaper batteries you won't even get that much.  I sure wouldn't buy the cheap ones given the info you have received here.  Get the Trojans or Interstates you will be a lot better off.  Probably the best
Since you are disinclined toward battery maintenace, gels or AGMs would be a better solution for you. They are pricey, however.  Figure $120+ for AGMs.

If you go with the inexpensive ones, you may have to replace them in a couple years rather than the 5-6 years I would expect from a top brand golf cart battery, e.g. Trojan.  But if they cost half as much and last at least half as long, the economic equation works.  Same logic applies to those $30 batteries you mentioned - they are engine start batteries rather than golf cart deep cycles. They will last even less time and produce less power,  but the price reflects that.
Hi Paul I bought 7 AGMs secondhand of ebay ?25 each, been used in a security system, the sticker on them said 2000, the blurb from the company is that they have a design life of 10 years, so if I get another 4-5 years out of them I will be well chuffed.

Heres a picture of 4 of them in the side locker



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