How much are a dozen eggs where you live?

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DW got a dozen free (with coupon) at King Soopers the other day. A couple of weeks ago we got a carton of 2 dozen at Costco for $7.59 ($3.79/doz), but elsewhere was well over $4/doz. I've not seen prices since then, except to hear on TV that they were up a lot.
Walmart here is $4.17. A local market is $3.49. Walmart seems to be higher on most things. We also shop at Aldis. Beats Walmart on everything.
Aldi's around us has great produce at a great price. Kim picked up a huge head of cauliflower yesterday for half the price of a smaller head in our usual grocery store. The celery stalk she got was half-again as large (and better looking) for less money.
Local small mom & pop egg producers are at $3.00 per doz for large. Stores are $1.50 to $3.00 per dozen higher.
Restaurants who serve breakfasts must be suffering very much.
When I have my Eggs Benedict for $15.00, I will be thinking about how the two eggs cost them a whole 70 cents--If they bought them retail instead wholesale. Restaurants normally pay around 33% of what we do for their food. So those two eggs cost them almost a whole quarter! How can they stay in business when they have to pay a whole 12.5 cents per egg?

@Chef Duane is my info correct?

-Don- Reno, NV
The restaurant at Lakeside Casino in Pahrump has 2 eggs, 2 bacon or sausage, hash browns or pancake and choice of bread for $8. With coffee the tab comes to an even $10. The same meal at Denny's across town is $4 more. When I'm in town I go to Lakeside for breakfast on the mornings we pump propane at the RV park.
When I have my Eggs Benedict for $15.00, I will be thinking about how the two eggs cost them a whole 70 cents--If they bought them retail instead wholesale. Restaurants normally pay around 33% of what we do for their food. So those two eggs cost them almost a whole quarter! How can they stay in business when they have to pay a whole 12.5 cents per egg?

@Chef Duane is my info correct?

-Don- Reno, NV
Sounds about right, maybe a bit more. Depends upon client demographic and locale. But I've retired for a few years now and a lot has changed even in that short time.
The same meal at Denny's across town is $4 more.
I have eaten at the Denny's in Pahrump several times. Once at the Lakeside Cafe in the Lakeside Casino, in year 2017.

With my AARP card, I save 15% at Denny's, which more than pays for itself.

-Don- Reno, NV
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When I have my Eggs Benedict for $15.00, I will be thinking about how the two eggs cost them a whole 70 cents--If they bought them retail instead wholesale. Restaurants normally pay around 33% of what we do for their food. So those two eggs cost them almost a whole quarter! How can they stay in business when they have to pay a whole 12.5 cents per egg?

@Chef Duane is my info correct?

-Don- Reno, NV
For one, because the cook, dishwasher, mgr., hostess, waitress, insurer, landlord, taxman, landscapers, maintenance, bookeeper, utility providers, etc., aren't in the charity business. For two, they charge $15.00 for Eggs Benedict only because you won't pay $20.00 and they don't charge $10.00 because you're willing to pay $15.00, apparently more than once.
"Worth" is an abstract concept. The worth of your house is what a buyer is willing to pay, not a factor ( land, labor or capital) of what you paid.
No problem, just go by Auburn, CA and take your pick. Large wild turkeys all over the area, sometimes in the front yard of my house.

-Don- Reno, NV
You can thank my dad and his Fish & Game habitat crew for that. They replanted hundreds of them all over N California back in the early 70s in an effort to reestablish them to their native habitat. You can see how it worked, as can anyone across the northern part of the state.
The DW just paid $8.00 a doz here in So Cal at a Kroger grocery store.
we have chickens that my daughter maintains, so we have "free" eggs.. LOL
in reality, after the initial investment , feed etc, I estimate we are paying "only" $2 per egg..
the price will reduce over time, the real difference is in the taste..
Albertsons in Boulder City, nv were 10.00 bucks a dozen, on sale for 7.59... the cheapest they had. Costco was 7.... something for 2 Dozen.. go figure...
I've heard in European countries there are only 3 sizes of egg, no extra-large or jumbo.
Nobody told the chickens though, so their large are our jumbo.
I've heard in European countries there are only 3 sizes of egg, no extra-large or jumbo.
Nobody told the chickens though, so their large are our jumbo.
That reminds of the time I asked for a small coffee and the girl said "we don't have a small size, only medium and large".
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For one, because the cook, dishwasher, mgr., hostess, waitress, insurer, landlord, taxman, landscapers, maintenance, bookeeper, utility providers, etc., aren't in the charity business. For two, they charge $15.00 for Eggs Benedict only because you won't pay $20.00 and they don't charge $10.00 because you're willing to pay $15.00, apparently more than once.
"Worth" is an abstract concept. The worth of your house is what a buyer is willing to pay, not a factor ( land, labor or capital) of what you paid.
I well understand all that. Many restaurants do not survive, it's often a tough business. But all I am saying is they won't go broke over the price of the eggs--it will be for other reasons.

-Don- Reno, NV
I well understand all that. Many restaurants do not survive, it's often a tough business. But all I am saying is they won't go broke over the price of the eggs--it will be for other reasons.

-Don- Reno, NV
What I'm seeing is not any 3 or 5 or 10% inflation in restaurant prices but 50 and 100% over the past 5 years or so. A hamburger that was $7 or 8.00 in 2019 is now $15.00, around here anyway.
That reminds of the time I asked for a small coffee and the girl said "we don't have a small size, only medium and large".
That one drives me nuts. I just smile and pause "OK then, how about you serve me whatever your smallest size is? You can call it medium or Fred or whatever you like"
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