how to trickle charge two on deep cycle batteries

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New member
Mar 21, 2013
I have two deep cycle batteries, in parallel..on my RV..i would like to keep them charged, can you charge them at same time on some
low amp deep cycle charger?...thanks for response.
I do ours, both trickle charge and regular charge. I do both the two 6 volt house and the two 12 volt chassis batteries. I connect on the positive on one battery of the pair and the negative of the other (or a ground). Seems to have worked for me for several years.
You can charge them at the same time, in parallel, at any time and at any rate you deem appropriate.
The only consideration is the phrase "Low amp trickle charger"

First, even on a trickle charger you really need "Smart" electroincs or else you need to monitor the charge daily to insure no overcharging (or rather limited overcharging, called Equalization).

Second, you need ENOUGH current to offset the internal self discharge.. If they are big enough that can be quite a bit of current.

But then I have used 12 volt batteries where the current capacity was rated in mill-amp  hours  And I've used 12 volt rechargeable batteries where they were raded in KILO-amp hours.  That battery weighed more than the Trailer I had at the time. So I know that "12 volt battery" is 'Not enough information" when it comes to "how much power" type questions. Including this one.
John brings up a good point.  Equalization in charging multiple batteries is an important issue to address.  If your battery bank is as simple as mine, a smart charger works well.  12V flooded batteries in parallel like to be charged as one big battery.  With the proper charger connections, charging them as one benefits all of the batteries (assuming all batteries are of the same brand, age, and group).  Has worked well many years for me boondocking during the camping season (No available AC power other than generator).

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