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New member
Apr 6, 2005
Just registered and thought I'd say hi...I'm considering my first RV purchase (probably a class B), and browsing the net for info.  Looks like I've found a good spot here.

Currently own a home in the Dallas area, but I spend over 50% of my time in hotels at customer sites, so I'm seriously questioning whether I need a house (especially since getting divorced a year ago -- it's just me now rattling around in 3000 square feet of empty space).  I've been limited to 2-week on-site trips because I have to keep coming home to take care of the house & yard.  I keep thinking, if I could just get down to the point where all my possessions would fit in a vehicle, I could drive to customer sites (usually in CA or FL), take the dog along, and stay longer.  Wouldn't really call this full-timing, as I'd be in hotels most of the time, but it sure would cut down on expenses not to have a permanent residence that I spend very little time in.  I'm thinking a class B would be all I'd need for this, and I'd like something more oriented toward driving than sitting.

Anyway, I'll keep browsing around and see what opinons I can find.  Nice to meet y'all!
Welcome to the RV Forum Framily Dennis.  Glad you found us.  Please join in any of the ongoing discussions or start  new discussions.  Please feel free to ask questions and we will try to provide answers.  Thanks for joining us.
Hi Dennis!

Welcome to the RV Forum!  If considering a Class B, it would be recommended to do some research on the particular model you're interested in.  It seems recent models of Class B's are being built on sturdier chassis with more substantial suspensions, compared to models built in the mid to late 90's which were often built to the max of the GVWR of the basic chassis.

I owned a 96 Leisure Van on a Dodge chassis which was grossly inadequate in its suspension.  Fully loaded the vehicle was almost impossible to steer in the wind.

Reports from owners of current models built on Freightliner, Mercedes and Ford chassis are more encouraging.

Which one were you considering?

Welcome to the RV Forum, Dennis.  Glad that you found us and hope that you will stick around and make thiis your online source of information and camaraderie  ;D.  From your messaage it sounds like getting rid of your house is probably a good idea.  Have you considered full timing in a good sized motorhome with a towed vehicle?  You could then go to the areas where you do business, stay in an RV park and drive to your appointments.

I closed my apartment in 1992 and put most of my stuff in storage and moved into a 1 ton chevy van, staying in motels for two years.  I got tired of moving in and out and bought a trailer sometime around my second year on the road.  That became my permanant residence, and I recently upgraded to a 5th wheel, which is really wonderful.  It has all the comforts of home and is portable.  It's working out well for me, and I plan to get married this year and move my bride in with me. 

Welcome Dennis,

I'd recommend the MH, good tow vehicle, a datastorm satelite dish and never have to worry about the yard again.

I hope you get to NM and better,
to an RV Forum Rally!
Hello! Class B's are great because you can park anywhere. Make sure you get A/C if you are in Texas!

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