HOWDY, from Arlington, Texas

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New member
Mar 14, 2013
I'm Jim Cheevers, and she's Denise Lowery. We've been planning to go to the Gulf Coast together for 18 years.
33' Georgie Boy is our mount. When we get her bolted together, we'll be in the saddle, and off into the South
to fish, and beach-comb. We were wondering if Jiffy-Pop makes a good smoke alarm.
Welcome Jim.  I'm down the road a bit, just north of Houston.  Glad to have you aboard.  I don' t know if Jiffy Pop makes a good smoke alarm, but it sure will make the ones you have in that Georgie Boy go nuts!  Hmmm, Jiffy Pop on the campfire.  Will it work??

Anyway, have fun, and let us know how it went!
Welcome Jim, aces of use new revers are getting together in Cape Girardeau, Mo April 12,13,14 at Cape Camping & RV. Swing bye, you may find some that will head to the gulf with you.
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