Howdy from Texas

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Jan 18, 2013
Lago Vista, Tx
This is the best find ever!!!  We are new to RVing...~year now and love it.  We were scared at first, but jump right in and we couldn't have made a better choice...especially with our clan.  I can't thank everyone enough for sharing such wonderful information....we start pulling carpet next weekend and will post some before and after pics.  Thanks!!!


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    2012-04-10 19.07.49 (640x517).jpg
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We just don't like Texans! :mad:  Just kidding. ;D  I don't know why you weren't welcomed, either.  So, if you're not too disappointed, Welcome aboard!  We're friendly, even if we can be lazy or asleep sometimes.
Welcome, what kind of parrot is Pico? My best friend was an African Grey that I had for 23 years. She died 10 years ago and I miss her so much. I have three little kitties to travel with me now.
What part of Texas are you from? I'm up here in the northeast..............northeast Texas, that is, near Tyler. Congrats on your purchase. Nothing like having your own little house on wheels to take with everywhere you go!
TexasSpice said:
Really....So not expecting such a lack of Hello....???

Sorry guys...missed this one.  Welcome!  From the Gateway to East Texas (bout 35 miles north of Houston).  Where in Texas are you, and where do you like camping??
Welcome from a new guy as well.  Fellow Texan here also. Planning on a trip to Texas in April
No worries....REALLY.  To busy with life and loves.  Pico is a Pionus Maximilian...largest of the their species, but a small parrot by scale.  Talks a little, bit garbled but I understand (love you, Turkey bird, Cold Beer, good boy..few others).  He will be 8 this year with, can't believe it.  See you guys in the RV remodel....
Lago Vista, TX.... entrance to the Texas Hill County.. enjoy
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