Hwy 101 is not so bad

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Wow, I hope it's a one way road.  Not much room to pass.
Hi Richard,

I've seen roads like that in QZ and Moab! OK, they aren't as high up the mountain. :)

Attached is a photo sent by Terry Nathan. He said quite often when vehicles pass at the narrow parts they will scrape each other or the cliff.


  • Copy of best shot Trollstiegen (Medium).jpg
    Copy of best shot Trollstiegen (Medium).jpg
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>>>>>>>>>>>>Attached is a photo sent by Terry Nathan. He said quite often when vehicles pass at the narrow parts they will scrape each other or the cliff.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Thanks for posting this photo, Jim.

BTW, Happy Holidays to you and Pat.  :)

Jack and Liz
What I want to know is, what lunatic thought of putting a road there? And what's at either end that made it worth the cost? At least in the tunnels, you'd feel kind of safe.

I'd rather drive 10 in Louisiana than drive either of those.   I might nuts, loony, goofy, and idiotic, but I'm not crazy, yet,  I think or is it I hope>  But gool luck to those that have the courage to try it.
Terry's road is "wide open" Jim  ;D  Here's a shot taken near our home towns - lots of roads like this around the area. I'm not sure about that road in Bolivia though.


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Think I could whip the PAce down thru there with the Trailer at about 35MPH  How far is it to the Ocean before I float the right to Hawaii LOL
LOL Shayne. I think the Pace would get stuck (or have the side ripped off). It's barely wide enough for a small car and would be tight for the Suburban.
Jackliz said:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Attached is a photo sent by Terry Nathan. He said quite often when vehicles pass at the narrow parts they will scrape each other or the cliff.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Thanks for posting this photo, Jim.

BTW, Happy Holidays to you and Pat.  :)

Jack and Liz

Thanks and the same to you!

We've been on some of those roads like your photo. Terry & Liliane took us down a one laner with bi-directional traffic so we could visit the church where they were married. For some reason Terry decided to blow the horn on one of the blind curves. As we rounded the curve there was a police cruiser in the middle. We both ended up brushing against the hedgerows to get by. Luckily there wasn't a drop off! :) I had another photo from Terry, which I think I lost during one of my computer crashes, that showed two vehicles passing. He said he heard the metal crunch from where they took the photo!
About 3 weeks ago, they did an hour long show about this road on the Travel Channel. Yes it is two way and they usually have between 180 and 240 deaths on it every year. Some of the shots they had and the close scraps are amazing.


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