"I can't believe you're still wearing that old thing!" she says

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2018
Upstate NY
Hey, I mean c'mon... ok, I've had my Carhart jacket for... well, a long time. Sure I have to be careful what I put in the pockets as they are pretty much torn out. And those stains? Quite a history there with each representing a particular event in its long life. The zipper is all but impossible to use, but that's what those sturdy metal buttons are for! They ones that work of course. Granted, it's pretty ugly to the untrained eye, but as I never, ok rarely go anywhere wearing it, who cares?!

Yeah, I get the same "can't believe" observation directed at a number of other of my favorite articles of clothing as well. Probably the only one here that has to deal with something like this??
Hey, I mean c'mon... ok, I've had my Carhart jacket for... well, a long time. Sure I have to be careful what I put in the pockets as they are pretty much torn ostill the warmest thing I have, and watching her ut. And those stains? Quite a history there with each representing a particular event in its long life. The zipper is all but impossible to use, but that's what those sturdy metal buttons are for! They ones that work of course. Granted, it's pretty ugly to the untrained eye, but as I never, ok rarely go anywhere wearing it, who cares?!

Yeah, I get the same "can't believe" observation directed at a number of other of my favorite articles of clothing as well. Probably the only one here that has to deal with something like this??
My Carhart chore coat is over 30 years old, with badly frayed sleeves, and my wife says the same to me. I just tell her its the warmest thing I have, and watching her try to interpret that statement is funny as all get out.
Laughing at this post thinking about myself shoveling the driveway this morning in my Land's End coat and Sorel boots - both over 25 years old. My every-day winter coat is about 10 years old - the right pocket is torn out completely and since 2023 the zipper handle has been a zip-tie! It still keeps me warm - no reason to get a new one!
Nothing better than an old worn out (in) jacket. I have several. Just makes me feel good wearing them. Don’t have to worry much about getting it more stained up. If they rip up too much, I can figure a way to patch them up. I like the zip tie approach.
I still have a Frank Shorter running jacket I bought after he won the Olympic Marathon in '72. **He came in second at Montreal in '76 to an E. German who was later revealed to have been involved in the E. German doping program**.
DW: "You're not going out wearing those pants, are you?"
Me: "Be happy I'm wearing pants."

There are times to dress up nice. Few of those times occur in my life. The "nice" sweatshirt is just going to get trashed working on cars, the RV, house or whatever. I will wear something until it no longer functions, then I have no qualms about tossing it and getting the next-least nice thing out of the closet or drawer. The reduced stress about having to worry about staining or tearing things over decades offsets the spousal criticism.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
I lost over 90 pounds and that necessitated replacing my entire wardrobe. I bought everything in Spandex so they don't need drying after I wash them. I just hang them and they are dry in a few hours here in Florida.
My dear Wifey ‘takes the cake’, she is one of those that will proclaim “You never wear that shirt”, while I am standing in front of her wearing the shirt!
Now, if She had gone into my dresser and brought out a shirt I hadn’t worn in a couple years, and asked me why I hadn’t worn it in a couple years, she would have a valid complaint.
Don’t complain about me never wearing something, when I’m wearing the very thing you complains about me never wearing.
Speaking of that old thing, I just found a T-Shirt in a box that was either rarely or never worn that I bought at a concert 39 years ago.
I just replaced a 25 yo Carhart jacket, and it's as stiff as a board. Maybe I should tie it to my truck and drag it around to break it in. My old one shrunk in the middle somehow ;), getting more snug than I liked. My new one should outlast me.

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