I Found A Blow Dryer For The Motorcycle/5th Wheel...DUH!!

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2012
Cody, Wyoming - Sometimes
Sometimes I think that it's important to share your own personal "DUH!!" moments.

Yesterday I decided that it was way beyond time to wash my motorcycle, it's been sitting in the garage of the 5th wheel for a few months now and because of my work schedule and rotten weather on days off it just hasn't gotten out for much exercise let alone a bath.  The problem yesterday morning was that it was foggy and the humidity was 97% and getting the thing to dry was going to be less than successful but then something occured to me....

As it turns out I have a very powerful Craftsman leaf blow sitting under the rig which my wife uses to "sweep" the patio every few days.  As it turns out that leaf blower is now also referred to as a "Motorcycle Blow Dryer".  It only took me close to four decades to think of this!!!!  After washing the bike I simply plugged in the "Blow Dryer" (GFI outlet of course) and hosed the bike off with it. Then a quick wipe down with a towel and low and behold the bike was dry.

Of course now that I've discovered this little trick I now plan on using it on the rig itself the next time I wash it.  I'm finicky about the windows especially so I can see using the "Blow Dryer" to pretty much dry the entire 5th wheel when it comes time to wash it.  Of course as I alluded to above, if you try this make sure that you plug into your exterior outlet on your rig so that you are protected by the GFI as you'll more than likely be standing in water when you use the "Blow Dryer".
At first glance I thought you had found a "hair" blow dryer that would not use as much power. :)
Brilliant!  I don't have a blower, but may be looking for a yard vac... if I get one that's reversible I'll definitely try this out. 
About 30 years ago I rode up to a friends house to pick him up for a ride and thought he was out back doing yard work.  Wrong, he was blowing his bike off after washing it.  I have been doing the same since then. 
I did the same when I owned a bike, I have also done our car, I hate water streaks. That Mr Clean washing system works great too, no streaks and no drying involved.
After moving to the desert almost 12 years ago and discovering how hard the water is, I had to come up with something for washing my motorcycle. After drying it, it would inevitably spring drips of hard water spots all over it where the water had collected - usually right after I rolled it back into the garage, or after my first ride. My idea was to use compressed air and blow out all the nooks and crannies, and then dry with the chamois, as usual. No more hard water spot drips....

I have a 2 stroke echo leaf blower that I use to dry my Harley, Winnebago, and my cars.  I also blow out my garage, it beats trying to sweep around everything.  It works great, i've been doing it for a long time.  Of course in fall I can use it to blow my leaves.  I probably use my leaf blower more than any tool I have. 
I use S-100 which helps tons, and have a compressor so I just use an air gun to get the nooks/crannies..  I only ever wash my bike once every few years anyway.. if that..  I like riding, not cleaning ;-)
been using my Ridged SHOP VAC /BLOWER for years to do my Harley... they actually make a blower that filters and heats the air. air compessors can shoot oil and shop vac can shoot dirt particles on your vehicles

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