I have to completely replace the floors in my Montana Can anyone help?

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New member
Mar 17, 2013
Hi -I am new here. The floors in my 1999 Montana are completely rotted and have to be replaced. Is there anyone who can give me step by step instructions. I have to do the work myself. I have never done anything like this so, please assume you are talking to an idiot that knows nothing. The simpler your instructions the better. If you have diagrams, drawing, pictures, that would be an added bonus. I am pretty desperate to get this done , so any help would be greatly appreciated
Having never done this type of thing you are biting off a big chunk. If you have bad material under cabinets and such you're getting into quite a bit of remodeling. Its something I wouldn't want to tackle unless the rig was a classic I was in heat over. You'll have some plumbing and most likely some electrical. If there's rot below the walls chances are it has damaged the lower portion of them too. If the rot was caused by roof leaks you will probably find entire sections of wall rot as well. I hate to sound so negative, but this could become pretty expensive real quick.

I was a remodeler for years and have plenty of experience in homes, not so much in RVs. Perhaps some other members have some solid recommendations for your project.
Just remember before you begin.  These are built from the bottom up and inside out.

Thus the flooring is laid down the full length of the trailer and all the cabinets and walls are sit down on it.  If the rot goes under cabinets and walls,  You can get into alot of trouble getting the old out and a new piece in.  If its just under a short part of a wall you might can get a new piece slid under the wall?? 

Take an ice pick and test the extent of rotted flooring.

Best of luck!

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