I missed my Poached Eggs on Toast so found a new way!

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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2012
Montana in Summer - S CA this winter
Living full time in a very small 5th wheel makes you conserve space and of course mis-place things. Well for the life of my, I couldn't find the lid for my little one egg, egg poacher. Poached eggs on toast is one of my favorite breakfasts, so I did a little research on replacing my egg poacher and wanting a double, but keeping my minimal space in mind,

Here is what I found:


I watched a video and was sold on this concept at once, well they arrived today and I could not wait to try them out. They work great.

I rubbed them with a little butter before putting the eggs in - after I washed them.

It is nice, they actually float high enough above the water that you can pick them up bare handed and the eggs pretty much slid right out, I coaxed them a little with a spoon. But perfect poached eggs almost just like my mother used to make!

And they take up virtually NO SPACE!

And very reasonably priced as well....these will get a ton of use, they say they are good for other things as well, not sure what, but I will be investigating...

Some of the reviews said the eggs tasted like silicone, well I washed mine first and there was no taste, also several said the eggs stick, well I rubbed mine with butter (like t directions) and they didn't stick at all, much better than my little metal cup for my previous egg poacher which always was hard to clean ever with butter. They say Pam or other spray works, but I don't use that stuff, not into more chemicals in my life!

Just a quick review and share for great poached eggs!




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I guess I can't say that I have ever had a poached egg... How hard do you cook them? Soft boiled?

Anyway, I have, over the years needed to "constrain" my cooked egg at times to a "somewhat round shape" - usually for putting into a bacon/egg/cheese type of sandwich. I remember growing up, my mom had these little egg rings (that she never used). I might have used them once or twice. I never bought any because the need only arises every once in a while - and I hate having a rarely used specialty item lying around.

I recently saw a picture of someone that used a ring slice of bell pepper to do the same task. Edible and clever. No evidence! :)

mylo said:
I guess I can't say that I have ever had a poached egg... How hard do you cook them? Soft boiled?

Anyway, I have, over the years needed to "constrain" my cooked egg at times to a "somewhat round shape" - usually for putting into a bacon/egg/cheese type of sandwich. I remember growing up, my mom had these little egg rings (that she never used). I might have used them once or twice. I never bought any because the need only arises every once in a while - and I hate having a rarely used specialty item lying around.

I recently saw a picture of someone that used a ring slice of bell pepper to do the same task. Edible and clever. No evidence! :)


I prefer mine on the soft boiled side - hard white and soft yellow. Easy enough with this system and I intend to use them a bunch so they take up almost no space and easy to use...

My Mom used to use an old cookie cutter to shape our eggs, which was pretty neat, but the pepper sounds like a great idea.

Thanks I will use that!

    We got a couple I think attached as a sample on a mayo bottle, tried it once, but prefer the old fashioned way, a pot of boiling water, a few drops of lemon juice, or vinegar give the water a swirl, and drop the egg in from a small dish.  Pass a slotted spoon under the egg a time or two during cooking to make sure it doesn't stick, and voila the perfect egg.  Think the poachers ended up at the Goodwill.

      For the not so discerning taste buds such as mine I found a quick and easy way to have an egg in the morning that can be eaten alone or put on toast with maybe some cheese and mayo for a sandwich.  I put an egg in a microwaveable soup mug and throw it in the microwave.  Some may complain about the rubber taste but with some playing with various times,40 seconds for me, they can be quite tasty.  To do it this way it's best to break the yoke and stir it a bit.  A splash of milk will keep it from exploding but at 40 seconds I don't find that necessary. 
Margie turned me on to microwave eggs for sandwichs which we both like. She gives an egg a quick stir and pops the bowl in for 50 seconds. They come out just right every time.
jmugs said:
Margie turned me on to microwave eggs for sandwichs which we both like. She gives an egg a quick stir and pops the bowl in for 50 seconds. They come out just right every time.
My granddaughter taught us to add cheese.  Beat an egg and put it in the microwave in a bowl for about 50 sec.  At the same time stick a couple slices of bread in the toaster.  When the toast pops up, butter them and slide the cooked egg onto one slice of toast.  Add a slice of cheese and the other slice of toast and stick back in the microwave for about 10-15 sec.
OK, got me going on this, so today popped in my english muffins, got the water etc going, poached the eggs, sprinkeled shredded cheese on the toasted muffins, slid the eggs on and enjoyed!
  For the real meal deal put two Jimmy Dean pre-cooked sausage patties in the nuker for 60 sec and add to the egg and cheese.
We have been using these for years.  I am trying to get them to work in the micro wave with varying success.  Yes, I am poking the yoke.  Still best if in a covered pan.  DW likes hers a little more done then I so I put about a tablespoon of hot water on hers to finish cooking.  I use Pam or oil to coat the cups but still take a butter knife around the edge to help free the egg.  An english muffin, canned hollandaise (or instant) and a slice of deli ham and you have a quick and easy eggs Bennie.  I usually just have mine on toast with a little melted cheese on top. Oh and hot sauce.
Bought a plastic egg poacher for the microwave.  Substitute butter for the stated water.  Cooks 2 eggs in just over a minute.  Cost? $2.00 or so, takes minimal storage space.
Saw something like that in Kroger ... Yesterday.  (Bit different design but the same material and features... Just no holes and a slightly different shape... I'll likely pick up a couple the next time I hit Krogers).
I was once told that at the folds in a chef's hat were equal to the number of ways the chef could prepare an egg. 
If so you just put another fold into the hat.
I've never had much luck poaching eggs, but I found a way to cook them so they come out almost like poached. Using a small skillet on medium heat, I spray some PAM on the surface, break my eggs into the pan, add about a tablespoon of water and cover the pan. The water makes steam that cooks the top of the eggs.  In a minute or two, when the white glazes over on top of the yolk, they're done. Slide 'em on some toast, and pour a fresh cup of coffee. That is the best breakfast I have found. Funny, coffee never tastes as good as it does when I have it with eggs on toast. (Confession time: sometimes I substitute bacon grease for the PAM. Yum!)
Use your coffee cup as a poacher spray with PAM.

After cooking egg in MW wipe out cup and-use it for coffee.  A one dish breakfast.
One of my favorites also.  Also I love 3 minute eggs, my wife can't stand to see me eat them.  Kind of fond of oysters (raw) also.  I think I am a little odd.  Also grew up with my mother making poached eggs in mason jar lids....................ummmmmmmmm love em!
put two mason jar lids in boiling water and then crack the eggs in them.........about 2 minutes and walla deeeeeeelicious!
So the mason jar lid acts as a mold.  Good idea.  For mine, about 3/8" of water in the pan, a tsp of vinegar, get boiling, crack the eggs in. 

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