It would take many hours that way, as to does it have to be hooked up, not if it's a 7 pin, but some of the smaller connectors might, also that "not if" assumes there is not a broken ground wire (common on 7 pins). the "Turn the truck around" is a better plan.
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If you have power anywhere nearby, say 90 feet away, You can get some real nice 12ga extension cords at Sears or K-Mart (You can get some at Lowes and Home Depot et-al too but I like the lock-on-outlet on the sears model) If your converter is a plug in model (mine is) they work great, if it's not, then turn off everything save the converter (no water heater or air coditioner. , Lock fridge on gas, And so on) and and it will work well.
Done that in a few places.