I want to add a ?extend a stay? adapter kit

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Well-known member
May 6, 2012
I want to add a ?extend a stay? adapter to my propane system. Has any one added one and where did you tap in to the system. I am thinking I want it on the right side so I can use it to also power my outside gas grill. What about going in the refrigerator access panel?
Extend-a-stay typically goes between the tank and regulator so if you want to add a bottle, it too is controlled by the onboard regulator. Plus my outdoor grill has it's own regulator so I wanted to come off the high pressure side. Here's a picture.


  • Extendstay.jpg
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It looks like you made a neat metal bracket to support the extra weight hanging out there. I think that is a very good idea.
I made mine by cutting a piece of 1 X 5 about 4 inches long so it was a slight press fit under the Extend a Stay. I put some silicon caulk/adhesive under it.
I like yours better but I had to work with what I had at the time.
Clay L said:
It looks like you made a neat metal bracket to support the extra weight hanging out there. I think that is a very good idea.
I made mine by cutting a piece of 1 X 5 about 4 inches long so it was a slight press fit under the Extend a Stay. I put some silicon caulk/adhesive under it.
I like yours better but I had to work with what I had at the time.

The manufacturer of the regulator was kind enough to leave a couple of blind holes on the back of it just the perfect size to run an 8/32 tap in, so I just threaded them and used a couple of machine screws through a piece of 1/8" aluminum flat stock I had laying around. I was really concerned about the leverage that the extra weight was putting on the fittings.
Nice photo Dennis. That would a good one for the library, along with some explanatory text.
Added the genuine article (Marshall Brass Extend-a-stay) here is the procedure I followed.

1: Turn off gas valve on tank

2: Remove male POL fitting from vlave's female POL fitting

3: Move regulator to the right temporarally

4: Screw male fitting on Extend-a-stay into valve

5: Screw original male fitting into female fitting on Extend-a-stay (moving regulator as needed)

6: I did some work to protect the regulator, this may or may not be needed.

7: Open gas valve and test for leaks (NONE FOUND).

That's the whole job.

NOTE: If, in the past, you have had a travel trailer with removable tanks, and you have removed them for re-fill, then you have done everything you need to do to install the Extend-a-stay..  The process is identical to taking a portable tank for refill.  (Save you do not move the tank).
Tom said:
Nice photo Dennis. That would a good one for the library, along with some explanatory text.

Works for me....Is that something I have the power to make happen or is it something you want to take care of? ;D
Water Dog: Copied your mod for the Extend-O-Stay today, aluminum L- bracket and everything. Tested it for leaks and then lit off the stove then furnace using an auxiliary tank. Looks great and works great -- well, doesn't look quite as good as yours. I've bought the kit for my old Class C but didn't install it because of concerns you have stated. It sure works great on my new Sightseer. Thanks for the picture of your install!

I have added one to the propane tank of my Motor Home to allow me to add a 100 lb tank to help me with the cold of winter in Missouri. It was very easy to add the T make sure you check for leaks when finished. The only thing is you need to find is a CAP for the end of the hose when it is not attached to a additional tank. Check at Lowes for this cap.
I put the Extend-a-stay on within days of buying the motor home.. I had an Extend-a-flow on the trailer I traded in...  Great device, no problems now 7 years old.

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