I Wish I Was In Dixie.

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We left Little Rock 24 hours before they got their Christmas blizzard of ten inches (almost 100,000 people are still without power five days later) and it's going to be 23 degrees tonight in Meridian, MS where we are now.

This might be one of those years...
Have to go way South, 45 and gray here in middle Georgia today
Re the picture, what are those funny looking things in your hands that are attached to sticks?  ;D ;D
Let's see.. How does that song go  (The song by the way is Detroit City)

I wish I was in Dixie, I am, I am
3 miles from the Georgia line
In South Carolina
I am, I am, I am down south in Dixie. (x2)

That's why I'm "FROM" Detroit don't you know. :)

We got your snow here too last night, but it came in liquid form and just naturally flowed downhill to the lake, which SERIOUSLY needs the water.
AW..... ya'll breakin my heart here :D  Had to cut my afternoon walk short cause of the skeeters, 69 degrees and partly cloudy. Darn skeeters will eat you up in a T-shirt.  "Southern--by the grace of God"....Ya'll come on down, we have more sunshine than we can use. ;D
How far south do I have to go??? It is often said 'Tie a big snow shovel to the front bumper. When someone asks you what 'that' is, you are far enough south...'
Snow Shovels are used as "Dust pans" when sweeping up leaves and for several other uses, Thus they get used all over, SNOW BLOWERS, on the other hand.........

I'm in Oconee County, SC, Fairplay (3 miles from GA on i-85) Or Seneca (about 20 miles north of where I am now) and the temp last night hit 32 on my meter, 20's on in-accuweather's  My hose lit up (Frost protetion lamps) and we had no problems.

I would not wish to be farther north, or higher altitude.. In fact some places south freeze up.  Can recommend a park near Darien GA if you like too, About 350/month as I recall (NOTE: Do not trust that, check it out) Cathead Creek Ranch RV park (Townsend ga) 3 miles from the Darien outlet mall.
I guess it's all relative.....we're in central FL between Tampa & Orlando.  For a native Floridian, this is cold!!!  But, for you northerners, you'd probably laugh at us.  The air is pretty icy feeling.  I don't think it's supposed to last, however. I think it's supposed to warm up tomorrow, so come on down!
Our neighbor uses her snow shovel for scoopin horse poop, Kissimmee....  49 tonight, 71 tomorrow. Like Dancechick said the air feels icy, has crisp feel to it. Bring you snow shovel we have lots of horses in the hood....later Will
About a foot of snow a few days ago followed by another 6 inches yesterday.  250 feet of driveway and my snowblower crapped out in the middle of clearing the first snowfall.  Every try buying a new snowblower on the heels of a big storm?  I'm not going anywhere for a while.  :)
Let's see everyone up here in Indiana said oh it hasn't been very cold here in the winter in 5  years and can't tell you when we have had the last big snow.

I have a foot of snow in the driveway and last night it was 3 degrees!  The roads are all clear but I've been stuck in the driveway twice.  I'm chuckling as I don't have to get kids in school or drive to work like I did when we lived here 30 years ago.  But I told hubby we may need a 4 wheel drive until he retires as I haven't a clue how to scrape the driveway with the tractor and blade which is still in Houston anyway.  He says oh just put about 20 bags of sand in the back of the truck.  Say what?

I am heading for Florida first of February, yes, I really really am, he was suggesting I bring the motorhome up and leave from here.  Something tells me I will be better off to leave from Houston this time.  I'm still kind of in shock.  The dog wouldn't get out the door at first, he is a Texas dog and was not pleased.  Now he is out there running through the snow and bouncing all over but still wants in where its warm when through.

I must admit this morning it was beautiful, the snow sparkled like diamonds and was just  gorgeous.  I'm wondering if My little straight stick Saturn will do better then the trucks or will we have to trade?  I used to drive in snow all the time and its like riding a bike it comes back to you but still.  Hubby suggested I sell my truck and Saturn and get a 4 wheel drive but aren't the only cars Jeeps or one like that that is 4 wheel drive? And can you tow them 4 down?  We have been talking about reducing to 2 vehicles but it wasn't going to happen yet.
We've been in Dixie (well, Florida and Missippi are south of SC, aren't they?) for the past 10 days and it has been absolutely freezing every time we poked our noses outside the ole RV. If the sun was shining it still was cold..when we shopped or tried to play golf. Only place 'hot' was in the casino (at least from Steve's point of view) but we weren't there all that long. Now we're almost back to SC and so far this is the warmest night we've had...still too cold for me to want to sit outside around a campfire although some neighbors have theirs going. My boys are busy watching football instead.
Gee Steve and Linda,  I guess that means you?ll not be coming over tonight.  Betty and I will miss you as we set around the campfire and ring in the New Years. Maybe next year.


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