I75 to florida

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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2010
We will be heading to Florida next week and are planning to head down I75 from Ohio instead of I77.  It will take us longer but who is in a hurry. I really do not like I77 in Wv and VA this time of year.  Other than making sure to hit Atlanta in the off hours, any advice on the route?  I hope to get to Knoxville the first day then Georgia/Florida border area. We are heading for the Homestead area and will end our route going across 41.

If we run into a delayed start, we may need to stop at a hotel the first night, it is going to be cold.
We come down from Ontario, thru Windsor and right down I75.  We will be doing that in a week.  Yes, it's cold, but as long as you have a campground with electricity you can run your furnace and electric heaters.  We've done it several times now and although cold outside we've been toasty inside.  You may have to wait until you're further south to use water though.  We always bring our own (bottled) for drinking and washing/toilet.
There is some construction on the east end of US-41 but so far there has been no delays. I will have a better report on it late this evening when my son gets here. It is supposed to be in the 40's here in Homestead tonight.
We have taken I75 a couple of times already this year from Florida to Kentucky and back.  It has been pretty much a non-issue. Roads have been good with a few exceptions of construction in various places.  We had little trouble in Atlanta in November.  It is supposed to be a little cooler down here in FL than usual, but still better than up north! :)  Good luck!!  Happy travels!
My son arrived from Omaha about 8pm. He had 2 delays on I-75 for over an hour due to accidents. US-41 was good with no delays still. Once the holiday travel is over it should be pretty much normal traffic flow.
Thanks all, We hope the weather cooperates for us but if need be we can delay a day or so.  Plan to leave Thursday, Next storm predicted for Wed/Thursday.
Forcast is calling for strong thunder storms for Christmas day for Alabama & Georgia. These storms often end up in the Knoxville area with ice etc... Check the weather before you head that way.

well plans do not always work out. Plans to pack today and leave 1st thing thursday are not working out.  Winter storm and blizzard conditions may keep us home for a few more days.  It will take a while to clear out 10 inches of Ohio sunshine in our rural area.  Oh well at least we are at home snug and warm.  We have no place we have to be so safe is better than stupid.
Probably a smart move on your part. We've been through GA, AL, and now the Panhandle of FL over the past several days. The wind is horrific; as newbies, it our 1st encounter and we've batted down the hatches so nothing blows away. Even have our portable heaters going (until we lose shore power) so we can stay warm.
Yes Steve, I try to avoid windy times.  We will most likely stay in a hotel the first night.  I will not have any water and it will be cold until we get far enough south.  The last 2 january trips were cold and we had frozen line problems.
With the looks of the weather map, give it a couple days as lonfg as you are not locked into times. It is 81 degrees here in Homestead now but supposed to cool down a couple degrees tonight.
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