If Hawaii Is Attacked

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Did UK ask for NATO assistance under the treaty? IIRC, the US did provide satellite imagery.

If have seen the same argument made by other bloggers. They are all opinions. The only discussion that matters is how the other NATO members will regard the treaty.

Melilla and Ceuta are part of Spain proper, not territories. They are in Africa, not Europe. If someone attacked those Spanish exclaves, would that trigger a NATO response?
Hawaii is not an island territory. It is member state of the United States of America.

That was my point so clearly I agree.

And in addition the biggest "Tooth" in NATO's teeth is the USA. .You attack Hawaii (OR Alaska) You might as well attack Washington DC.. and the response from the US Military is going to make what the rest of NATO can do to you look like children playing.. ON the list of Bad Ideas.. Attacking the USA is #1.. For no matter what others may claim the USA is by far the most powerful country on the planet. We have proved it a few times.
For no matter what others may claim the USA is by far the most powerful country on the planet. We have proved it a few times.
A big part of what made us succeed was patriotism. Which is now on a sad decline. The younger generation that would be fighting a war seems very confused about everything including what form of government is best. It may take another big threat to wake up the woke.
A big part of what made us succeed was patriotism. Which is now on a sad decline. The younger generation that would be fighting a war seems very confused about everything including what form of government is best. It may take another big threat to wake up the woke.
Doesn’t appear to me to be the younger generations or the “woke” that presently pose the greatest threat to our form of gov’t. Being an easily persuaded idiot is multi generational. And “patriotism” as observed by Samuel Johnson is “the last refuge of a scoundrel”. I would include pandering religion as well.
Alaska doesn’t need protection. Nobody else wants it. 😜
No, but they do want the oil produced there. Most goes to Washington and California, but a good bit is exported.
Don't understand why California wants it though. They are trying to totally eliminate fossil fuels.
Doesn’t appear to me to be the younger generations or the “woke” that presently pose the greatest threat to our form of gov’t. Being an easily persuaded idiot is multi generational. And “patriotism” as observed by Samuel Johnson is “the last refuge of a scoundrel”. I would include pandering religion as well.
Merriam Webster definition of "woke" aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social injustice.
The definition we need to be aware of is fascist "
1 a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
You decide who you would rather be. Guess I am woke
I just remembered Alaska is our EASTERN most state. extends all the way from -Longitude to +Longitude: right across the zero line. So where in the world does the pacific become the atlantic?
Somewhere in the Arctic. Wait, you have the Bering Sea and the Arctic ocean in between them. Technically they do not join in the north.
At the south, they meet at Cape Horn.
I just remembered Alaska is our EASTERN most state. extends all the way from -Longitude to +Longitude: right across the zero line. So where in the world does the pacific become the atlantic?
Technically it is our easternmost AND westernmost state.

Texas has expressed a desire to secede from the Union a couple of times. They declared secession in 1861 when Texas joined the Confederate States.
LOL! Yeah, that canard comes up every so often. The 'Texit" movement makes a lot of noise but doesn't ever seem to get any support from actual Texans. The current drive got about 140,000 signatures. The population of Texas is about 29.15 million. I wouldn't say that "Texas has expressed a desire to secede" when only about 2% of folks signed a petition. And Texas can't secede legally. So regardless of what the rest of the uninformed States think, Texas ain't going anywhere.

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LOL! Yeah, that canard comes up every so often. The 'Texit" movement makes a lot of noise but doesn't ever seem to get any support from actual Texans. The current drive got about 140,000 signatures. The population of Texas is about 29.15 million. I wouldn't say that "Texas has expressed a desire to secede" when only about 2% of folks signed a petition. And Texas can't secede legally. So regardless of what the rest of the uninformed States think, Texas ain't going anywhere.

We’ll just have to think of another way.

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