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New member
Nov 19, 2012
Howdy! About six months of living on the road now with a plan to do so for a few years or more. Currently looking for a new truck and recommendations as I know very, very little about trucks. Also enjoying reading about black tanks. (Ewww!) Glad I found this site!
Need more info such as what are you planing on pulling and how heavy.
Well, if you are planning on pulling a house, instead of driving one...

Check out Trail Hauler

Some folks think this is a bit "overkill" but .. Well, you won't be asking "Can I tow That" if you get one of those rigs.
More info? I'm living in a light weight 26 footer now. So with that the stuff inside, and my motocycle, I think it needs to pull 10,000 lbs. Plan to put the motorcycle in the bed of the truck. If I decide to get a bigger trailer, I'd like it to be able to pull that as well. Living in it full-time, moving every 3-4 months. It appears a F250 or 2500 Chevy should do the trick? Perhaps a tow package too? What else or am I off track? 4X4 preferred? And all the liters/??? makes no sense to me.

Oh I was tempted John but then what do I do with my bike? LOL
    The winter we spent in Yuma there was a fellow that I golfed with who had a Freightliner 18 wheeler cab, with the second set of drive wheels removed.  He put their "For Two" on it sideways behind the cab, and pulled their 5th wheel.  The lived about 1500 miles from Yuma, and he basically went BC to Yuma and back, but he said that he loved it.

If you are talking 2011 or newer Chev ,Ford or Dodge 3/4 ton will play with 10,000lbs.

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