If you play audio CDs on your computer...

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Moderator Emeritus
Feb 1, 2005
you need to read this: http://www.sysinternals.com/Blog/ about Sony's attempt at digital rights management that puts your computer at risk.  For a less technical discussion of the risks Sony has created read http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,1880543,00.asp
Sony is not the only one.... There is an article on one of the PC magazines that sites another company doing the same thing

Personally... If any company installs software such as a RootKit on my computer and I find out about it

I will be calling a very good lawyer and notifying the authorites... That is a criminal act and the company responsible should be held both accountable in criminal court and liable in cival court... The damages could easily bankrupt a smaller company

Might be a bit of a pain for Sony
John In Detroit said:
Sony is not the only one.... There is an article on one of the PC magazines that sites another company doing the same thing
Might be a bit of a pain for Sony

Not the first, but certainly the worst case.  The backlash that's building does not bode well for Sony.  What Sony did opens you computer to other invasive malware that can't be detected by ordinary means.
They claim it removes the rootkit, but that hasn't been verified as yet.  I don't trust them at all.
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