I'm getting old people disease!

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I'm starting to get old people disease, you know where you just bump your skin and it either creates a cut or makes a dark red bruise under the skin.

RIght now I have 3 sore fingers and my joints hurt.  My arthrotec is causing nausea but when I don't take it after a couple days my arthritus starts hurting me.

I don't want old people disease, not the bruises or the aches and pains or anything.

After that video I made Sue Anne get out and walk twice today.  We walked from the RV park this morning to a restaurant for breakfast, and then at a road side part I made her walk clear down and back,  she is not plesed with me.  But i'm so siiff and sore and sitting driving all the time hurts my body.  We both need more exercise.
Keep it up..  it's so easy to push off until later....or until it's too late.

I lifting weight 3 times a week..hoping to stave it off ;-)
Old people are like old RVs. The older we get the more of our systems that stop working properly.

Like the saying goes "Being old sucks but it is a lot better than the alternative."

Rather than complain about my vision, hearing and other things going south I am celebrating the fact I am alive. Life is wonderful.
I could retire- but since I'm healthy, I keep going. All this exercise is good. I just can't - or don't want to lift heavy furniture anymore
"I don't want old people disease, not the bruises or the aches and pains or anything."

Hate to tell you but not much way around some of it. Taking care of yourself and some exercise can help. Arthritis don't usually get any better but can be alleviated by some mild medications.
SeilerBird said:
Old people are like old RVs. The older we get the more of our systems that stop working properly.

Like the saying goes "Being old sucks but it is a lot better than the alternative."

Well said.  I still have a way to go before retirement.  But I believe that I have finally reached that point where doing something about my lifestyle will keep me on this planet a bit longer.  Hence, trying to cut cigarettes out of my life. 

So far, all my "systems" are operating properly.  I need to try and keep it that way. 

Your not in a boat by yourself.  A lot of us need a little help along the way.  The DW and I have this ongoing joke around the house called "Old Timers Disease".  The phrase is meant to mimic Alzheimer's.  Our way of reminding each other that we are getting to the age where we are going to depend on each other more than ever before. 

I look at it as a great beginning to a good ending.  We are closer now than ever.  And we get to enjoy it for quite a while, God willing.  We are only in our 50's!

Cuts and bruises may be part of the plan.  Keep you head up and do your best in life.  It's all anyone can expect of you.
denmarc - I was going to comment on your post but I forgot what I was going to write :(

Seriously. When I was 21 my dad was 50. He had a heart attack and died. My doctor told me that since heart problems run in the family I would probably die around age 50. Well I believed him and lived a not so great life style. Around age 55 it dawned on me I wasn't going to die at 50 so I cleaned up my act. Stopped all my bad habits and now that I am 64 I feel great. No booze, drugs or cigarettes for me. Of course I don't remember why I did any of those things in the first place...
:( I have had the "Old peoples disease" on my hand since I was 36; I was on medication from a back injury; given drugs for it; then I had a bout with depression; more drugs which I got stopped at 40 yrs.. believe they were the cause and the bruising and bleeding hasn't got better at 61 1/2. Oh and to top it off my family has a history of heart disease, Colonrectal cancer, and Alzheimers and arthritis. Last year the end of March I had a STEMI Heart attack; have three stents and a smaller artery opened w/ a balloon angioplasty. Take more drugs for that now.
  Every Morning I plant my two feet on the floor is a Great Day!!! I quit drinking at 37, quit smoking for the 4-5th time last March; and never used illegal drugs. The women all gave up on me too!!!! LOL!!!

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