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New member
Jan 2, 2007
I am new to this forum. My husband and I are seniors and bought a used Roadtrek several years ago. We love it. It has everything we need for us and our dog and we can drive and park it almost anywhere. We usually take 3 trips a year, our longest being a month in August-September and have gone to the Southwest, the northern Rockies and into Canada, Eastern Canada and the Maritime provinces and this past summer we went to Michigan to see lighthouses which we both love. This summer coming up we plan to take 5 weeks and go to the West Coast.
Both my husband and I started camping when we were kids and have enjoyed it all our lives. Having the luxury now of having a Roadtrek to "camp" in is like heaven!
Welcome to RVForum.net!  We are glad to have you and your camping experience here, so please feel free to join in the discussions.  No doubt you will have a lot of practical Class B experience to offer.
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