In motion satellite

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New member
Feb 11, 2006
What would anybody recommend for a good in motion system?

I have 2 DirecTv receivers that are not being used. Do they make dishes that suppoort 2 receivers?

Motosat makes excellent satellite products.  I can recommend any of the antenna systems.  See for details.

If the receivers are single tuner, then any dual LNB antenna will work by connecting one LNB to each receiver.  If they are dual tuner (such as the R-10 or R-15 receivers) then you need a multi-switch to connect more than one receiver to the dual LNBs.
>>What would anybody recommend for a good in motion system?<<

I believe TracStar is the best followed by Kingdome who licenses TracStar's technology in their In motion systems.

I originally had a Winegard in motion unit, they apparently had so many problems with these units that they recalled and replaced them.  Mine was replaced in this program and the new one seems to work fine, but I have limited data so far (two trips).
I have a motosat feeding a dual receiver (Dish network) and will reserve comment for at least a week,,, I need to get up to Motosat and have them look at it.

Does a good job when parked though.. IN motion I'm not so sure of however this has more to do with Dish Network than the Motosat T-2 Automotion.... I have only moved this thing three times since I got dish network service properly configured  One major move and 2 minor ones and I'd not yet configured everything when I did the major move.

The minor ones were timed so I did not notice how well it worked... Concidence, not planned that way

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