Info. on a towing vehicle

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Jan 25, 2013
I have a 27 ft. travel trailer #5900 dry and about #7200 loaded. I'm planning on getting a Tundra 5.7l 4x4 4.3 rear end with a towing capacity of #10400. Do you think this will be enough to go out west and what MPG shoulg I expect while towing? Thanks Hugo. :)
Sounds like you're good to go, especially with those 4.30 gears!  I think I would also make sure it either has an auxilliary tranny cooler, or a beefed up one if you're getting a new one.  As for MPG, you shouldn't expect anything.  It ain't gonna be good.  But you're not in it for the MPG, you're in it for the fun and adventure. (But if you really must know, if you pull 8 MPG fully loaded, you'll be doing good.  I'll let the Tundra pullers give more info.)
The Tundra will do fine.  Keep the speed down and you'll get slightly better.  Your trailer is slightly ligher than mine.....mine grosses at 7800 lbs.  I tow with an old F250 with 460 EFI and similar gearing.  I get about 8-9 mpg in the flat lands if I keep it at 55 mph, which I do.  At 65 mph, it drops to 6-7.  It the mountains, it simply guzzles.....but what a view.  :)
I had a 2011 Tundra and was using it to pull a TT that weighed right at 8K going down the road. It did a great job pulling this trailer. I kept my speeds down to 60 mph and was able to consistently get between 10 and 11 mpg. If you drive faster your mileage will drop considerably.

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