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New member
Dec 9, 2005
Hello to all !!

My name is Rick and my wife's name is Rhonda, we are new to "RV"ing. We recently got  this '88 Pace Arrow,and jumped into the "full-time" scene !!  IN Montana, talk about  trial by fire!!!! (or  trial by freeze,I should say).
We are looking forward to  all the  information we can get from the RV community.
                                                                                                              Rick and Rhonda
Hi Rick & Rhonda,

Welcome to the forum and full timing!!! Glad you stopped by. Be sure to ask any questions you might have and jump into any conversation that interests you. One thing full timers learn right off is you NEVER stay where it's cold! ;D You need to head south and spend the winter in AZ or one of the other southern states. Great rally coming up in Quartzsite, AZ in another month.

Hi Rick & Rhonda,

Welcome to the RV Forum.  We are glad you found us.  Congratulations on the Pace Arrow and to the world of fulltiming.  Where in Montana?  We have a place in Lewistown.  But as Jim mentioned it is a lot nicer to travel South and avoid the winter cold and snow.  Several of the framily are right here around Yuma where it will be in the 70/s today.  Oh and we haven't had any snow in this area, so come down.;D
Rick and Rhonda,

The benefit of fulltiming is that you can escape winter cold weather unless there is a very important reason to a medical emergency.  Otherwise you head to warmer climates.

What's keeping you in the cold?
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