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New member
Mar 2, 2013
Hi - my name is Don, I live in Carson City, NV and love to primitive camp, ride my ATV, and explore the Nevada Outback. I camp with a group of retired guys and we call ourselves the Geezer Patrol. We all have toy haulers and the appropriate trucks to pull them. Nevada is the last state in the country with lots of open public land. Most of us are shade tree mechanics and do most of our own maintenance and repair. I would like to hear from folks with similar interests, and compare or share areas we have visited.
Welcome aboard Don, we like NV as well, and always spend Feb and Mar there. At present we are in Pahrump. Enjoy.
Welcome to The RV Forum. Glad you to have you here. Join in any of the disussions and tell us more about great places to camp and visit in Nevada.
Nothing like camping with friends and family ! I live in Maryland and never been to NV but will someday. I suggest never coming East unless you like traffic and people that are always in a hurry. Have fun camping ! ;D
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