Is an RV a viable option?

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New member
Jan 22, 2013
I might soon be relocating on assignment to the bustling metropolis of Estevan in Saskatchewan, Canada. From what I hear decent rental accommodation is scarce and so it makes even more sense for me to rather invest my housing allowance into a motor home that I could live in and also use on future projects.

What worries me is the weather and frigged temperatures experienced in the area. 4 -6 months of the year the temperatures can drop into the deep ?F degree ranges.

With those temperatures in mind is a motor home a viable option?
And if so should I be going for a gas guzzler (something like a Winnebago Adventure 38G) or should I go for a diesel pusher (Something like an Alfa See YA SY40FD or a Dutch Star DSDP40)?

All advice is greatly appreciated.
Some RV's are rated for fairly cold operation however... I agree with your concerns, that's pushing it..  Now if you get a good cold weather unit with good insulation  (Kind of a rare bird) you still have your tanks and hoses outside, they can be i nsulated and skirted to protect from cold but heat is going to cost and there are other issues.

Frankly.. In your case.  I do not know how viable it would be.. But.. That said.  I winterize by the "S" method (Drive SOUTH) so perhaps I'm not the best expert on winter RV living.  I just know that WIRF (a Radio station in Detroit) posted a picture today of the city limits sign in HELL, all froze over. (That's a town in S.E. Michigan)
would be a looooong winter. how about an apartment for the winter. still save money half the year. are there trailer parks with hook ups available. motorhomes dont like to sit for long periods. is a trailer more feasible. what do you drive. if you wont be driving it much the gas vs diesel issue wont be as big a deal. if you factor in the heating bill and depreciation of the unit you might not save as much as you think.
Decent rental accommodation is very scarce that is why I am looking at the motor home option. I don't have a truck to pull a trailer. The vehicle will not be sitting all the time as I will be using it to tour the area on weekends. Most of the project will be during the summer months estimated right now to be March through October.

Paul, If you are going to be in below zero temps (in Fahrenheit) for any length of prepared to heat the RV daily (24/7) to a reasonable temperature inside.  If you leave it unattended for a day or two, it doesn't matter how much insulation  you have... it'll freeze solid. Of course being in Saskatchewan you are probably working in Celsius now.  Big difference.  Just these days the forecast is 14 below zero F tomorrow....that's very cold.

  Just a little heads-up.

Never mind folks. This option just flew out the window. Found out the RV park is only open for 5 months of the year.

Thanks for all the comments.
I was going to say that. I was planing a trip to Niagara Falls in early November but couldn't find a campground open. They all close in mid October and go south.
it has been below minus 30 degrees here in central ontario this week. northern ontario minus 40. didnt even work most of the week. i work outside. i cant imagine trying to live in a camper at these temperatures. the furnace runs fairly steady in the house. the prairies can be pretty harsh with the wind in the winter.
WILDEBILL308 said:
I was going to say that. I was planing a trip to Niagara Falls in early November but couldn't find a campground open. They all close in mid October and go south.

Do not know about Nov, but Grand Island KOA was open in SEpt when I was there (1978)  We spent the week in a tent... In case you wonder, I was married on 9/1/1978.

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