Is it a relay?

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2006
Corona, California
I have a clicking sound coming from what appears to be a relay on the firewall near the batteries. Is this clicking sound normal? It only seems to happen when I first start up but it does occasionally happen when sitting at idle. 
There are several relays,,, Some click on or off from time to time, and often they are grouped (makes it easier to find them) However without listening to it, and tracking it down. I can not even guess if it's normal or not

Some are, Some are not
Multiple or continuous clicks are probably not a good sign. Occasional clicks are normal as various relays open or close, performing their function.  Generally speaking, though, I would not expect relay clicks more than a minute or two after start-up.
Karl said:
Is it a loud click (heavy-duty relay), how frequently does it happen, does the engine speed change when it clicks on/off, can you see any change in brightness of a 12 volt light inside, does the voltmeter change?

No change in engine performance or brightness of lights. It only seems to happen when first starting up. The item that makes the noise is located in the upper right hand area on the fire wall as you look from outside toward the engine. It has several cables and small wires coming off of it. The cables are, one coming from the battery and exiting out the other side of the relay returning to the battery. The other smaller wires go to several different locations, some through the fire wall and others God only knows where! 
You didn't mention weather you have a diesel or gas engine. If you have a diesel, it could be your glow plug relay that is cycling. This is normal, until the engine warms up a  little bit. My Dodge diesl does the same thing when it's cold.

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